
CK's Yoga Page

I am in Love with Yoga. For years I have suffered from problems in my upper back, shoulder and neck. I finally decided to try something different than what I was doing to help myself. So I started with stretch exercises and Yoga in Sept '97. In a few short months I could see the difference in the flexibility and strength in my body and I was no longer in pain on a daily basis. Now I am pain free and have been for several months. The most amazing thing that can be easily recorded though is that I am 1/2" taller than I have been all my adult life.

My 3 day yoga retreat

Here are a few statements copied from "Chris Berntsen"on COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS about Iyengar Yoga.

Because it mainly involves stretching, only those who are flexible can enjoy or benefit from it.

Since stretching occurs within the context of alignment and strength, flexibility is not the primary requirement for practicing yoga, nor its main measure of success. The Iyengar system develops flexibility and relaxation in conjunction with isometric activation of muscle groups which allows for balanced extension. These actions, as well as supporting the weight of the body are effective ways of building strength. Yoga is also therapeutic. Bringing balance to the musculoskeletal system not only helps structural problems, but also nourishes, tones, and detoxifies the entire body.

Yoga is chiefly concerned with relaxation and does not provide a good workout.

The principles of alignment learned in yoga postures are universal and can be translated into a better understanding of movement in sports or daily activities. Yoga can, in fact, counteract imbalances brought about by other types of exercise. Often athletes who consider themselves to be in good shape are quite challenged by Iyengar yogas emphasis upon balance in the muscle groups and deep internal strength.

Yoga aims at a passive, trance-like mental state

The attentive effort necessary for correct technique absorbs the mind and quiets distracting thoughts. There is total participation of both body and mind in the present moment.

Because Iyengar yoga focuses on the physical, it is not meditative.

The body is the medium of all our experience. It communicates directly as to the health of our whole being, especially if we learn to listen. Habitual physical, emotional, and intellectual patterns can be more clearly perceived and released in the context of yoga practice. For example, relaxation of the diaphragm can release emotional tension.

And this is me hanging out with the dogs. Actually it is me doing a head stand and Taz just figured he had to be in the picture too. And obviously he is a picture hog.

Here are some Yoga Links that I think you will enjoy. If you have other Yoga sites that you think I would like please e-mail me and let me know.
The Official B.K.S. Iyengar Site
Yoga Chat
Yoga on the Internet
Book and Video List on Iyengar Yoga
Benefits of Hatha Yoga

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