Music: Getting To Know You
Ck's Pets
for eternity
I am a dog lover. We have had quite a variety over the years. We started off with a German Short Hair Pointer: He was an excellent hunting dog and great pal to us before we had children. Next came our little black fluffy mixed breed: a Multipoo. Then followed our sweet little adopted girl that was 3 years old when we got her: she was a mixed breed poodle. After that one was our Komox. They all had their own personalities and quirks and were much loved and enjoyed by us all.

This is Komox Royalty Dorway. At the time this picture was taken he was 6 months old. He is sitting on Amigo's lap. Komox Royalty was born in Comox Valley in British Columbia on Jan 25,1993. His Sire is "Northern Light" and his Dam is "O'La'La Aymee. Both parents were born and raised in Germany but were moved here by their owners. I adopted him April of 1993 and it was one of the best things I have ever done. Moxie is our baby and we spoil him rotten but he deserves it because he gives us so much pleasure. This little guy started out with a black coat and as he matured his coat started to change colors and turned into a beautiful silver and blonde as he was expected to.
If you don't know too much about Yorkshire Terriers, let me explain to you what brave hearted dogs these little fellows are. They will try to protect their property, which includes their owners from anything or anyone coming near. Yorkshire Terriers, once they have accepted you they are very friendly and sociable. They have a pretty good bark for such a little dog when they are riled up but basically Moxi is a fairly quiet dog. If he is anywhere near a very large dog he goes into the attack mode. Terriers think that they have to be in total control at all times. Moxie does a pretty good job of controlling situations.

This is Moxie again, now full grown (all 5 lbs) and with his mature coloring. Isn't he a mean looking guy? *LOL* Moxie is mistaken for a female all the time because he usually has a little top knot on his forhead so he can see where he is going and we can see his face. On really sunny days I will leave his hair down to act as a pair of sunglasses. He loves to get bathed and brushed regularily and his favourite words are: "treat", "car ride" and "walk". A typical dog in that respect. Amigo never fails to have woman of all ages talking to him each and every time he takes Moxie out. I don't have the same problem with the men. Maybe I need a larger dog. *G*

Here is my first dog after I was married. He looked like a black powder puff when we got him and since I have very little imagination when naming animals he got the name of Puff

did you ever wonder how hard working homemakers spend their day??? Myself, Puff, Gidget

how is this for trying to hide your dust mop from the folks who want it? lol

And who looks happier here to you?
This is one of the most awesome sites of the web in my opinion.
This site is strictly for dealing with pet lose

CK Herself
Cross Stitch
Our Vacation