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Return to Robert and Caroline Lyles Genealogy

J.D. Boswell Smith - 12/26/00 23:49:19
My Email:J.D.BoswellSmith@cs.com

I came across the decendents of JAMES ATCHISON and found my grandmother's name...Fannie Atchison daughter of Henry Clay and Mary L.Mosely Atchison. I would like to add to the Atchison Family tree. Please respond as to how this can be done. Thank you. Boswell Smith

Crispin Vessell - 11/21/00 05:47:07
My URL:http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~vessell/index.html
My Email:ushoots@bellsouth.net

Just stopped by to say hello

Nina Troutner - 11/07/00 19:53:13
My Email:ntrout@nwlink.com

Thought I'd say "hello" to you at your guestbook site. It is so great, now, to know that I am related to the Thompson line that you have posted on your web pages. Until you sent the papers I didn't know if this was the link. Hope we keep in touch. Grea web site, by the way!

Nina M. Ayers Troutner - 10/18/00 18:04:52
My Email:ntrout@nwlink.com

Happened to come up with your great pages! Have been trying to find out more about my Thompson ancestors in W.V. Can't find out anything beyond my gggrandfather, Cyrus Thompson, who was married to Martha Ann Riffle. They were married 11-21-1859. Do you think your Thompsons and mine are connected

Rob Asquith - 10/11/00 16:05:39
My Email:RobAsq@aol.com

I am a great grandson of Emma Ennis Snodgrass. I have a family tree, and this family is on the tree. My great Cousin, Emmagene Williams, gave it to my dad, James Asquith. Emma's daughter Bernice Mae married Claire Asquith, the son of Robert Charles Asqui h.

John W. Snodgrass - 09/27/00 09:26:36
My Email:scvwarden@aol.com

HI, I'm a direct decendant of William Alexander Snodgrass. He also served as a confederate infantryman with the 3rd Alabama Regt. Upon his death, his wife Amy Elizabeth filed for a confederate pension and recieved it until her death. I draw my lineage fro Samuel but I believe his middle initial was an S. but I don't have my family book handy to give you a garuntee. Incidentally, there were several others who served and are related who rest in Clarke, Marengo, and Wilcox Counties as well as some battlefiel s. I have a 14 month old son who my wife Gail and I named William Alexander Snodgrass. I belong to the Covington Rifles Camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. I work for the Great State of Alabama as a Conservation Enforcement Officer(a politically cor ect name for game warden.)My wife works for Hospice tending terminally ill patients. We live in the Blue Springs community just south of Opp, AL in Covington County. My parents live in Coffee County, AL. His parents have taken residence in Glory. But the ajority of our family reside in the Bashi community on the Clarke-Marengo border. If you get a chance e-mail me to let me know you got this. Sons of Confederate Veterans--Heritage Not Hate.

- 09/15/00 20:40:53


Jesse Nix - 08/27/00 13:32:54
My Email:jessechuy@aol.com


Tonya Craig Powell - 08/24/00 14:12:49
My Email:aeropow@peoplepc.com

I am a direct descendant of William Craig and Jean Stuart down on throught James Craig and Mary Laird. Nice Site

pat tucker - 08/01/00 02:59:05
My Email:googoo3467@aol.com

great site.im not sure im kin to these Nix,s.butmy grgrandparents are, James Willian Nx and Lucy Othello Garrett, Nix,Daniel.thank you for letting me look.and love all the rebel flags .

MaryAnne Holloway Hodges - 07/26/00 01:44:43
My Email:Gypsy1139@aol.com

Great job! Keep up faith, I know the going gets rough in genealogy, but every little bit of information is a victory! MaryAnne

Floyd B. Bennett - 06/02/00 20:29:51
My Email:floydbbenn@aol.com

I have your JAMES ATCHISON and WINNEFRED HILL & family bacl to JAMES' grandfather Wm Atchison, who died 1698 in Prince George's Co, Maryland, O have close to 700 pages in my records, about 20,000 names.

Derrick Hinkle - 05/16/00 17:51:23
My Email:our4cs@mindspring.com

This was a great help in tracing my family tree but i still have a few gaps to fill in

Todor Ivanov - 04/12/00 09:14:20

Hi my name is Todor Ivanov and I am 14 years old. I live in New Zealand and I prefere a feamail penpal. I promise that I will answere your letter 100%. If you have a photo of you, please send it to me. My adress is: 63 Powrie St Glenfield Auckland New Zealand

Jamie Benson - 04/11/00 21:16:23
My Email:jamin1nz@yahoo.com

I joined the other day but forgot to put .com at the end of my address.

Donna C. Burry - 04/11/00 06:08:14
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/WrightCollin/index.htm
My Email:dburry@midamerica.net

Just searching the web and found your site. I really like they way you have it set up. Come visit me. We have a connection.

anthony j. lyles - 04/09/00 16:13:26
My Email:AJDOM@prodigy. net

Im interested in researching my family history and im just getting started. My family lived in Arkansas and moved to St. Louis so far thats all i know.

Jamey Wimer - 03/18/00 21:55:33
My Email:wimer@access.mountain.net

Hi Candy, I love your newest mystery photos. Have you talked to anyone here in Pendleton County about them? I'll bet there are some old-timers that might know some of those folks. Has Jennie looked at them? I have not heard from her for awhile. I've been so bus that I have not had time to do much family history research. Your website is looking wonderful. Keep up the good work. Jamey

Doris Elizabeth Lyles - 03/17/00 18:24:20

I was just looking up my name on the internet to see if I could find anything. Most of my Lyles are from NC. my grandmother has done alot of Geneology on our family and I think more than likely they are different lines. I just never new that there were th t many Lyles around Doris Elizabeth Lyles Rocky Mt. N.C.

Donald R. Lyles - 02/12/00 02:37:54
My Email:Mickey.Lyles@gsa.gov

Our family is in Tennesse via Kentucky.

michael lyles - 02/10/00 02:38:27
My Email:michaellyles@hotmail.com

Seriously folks, I am the illigit. Son of Beatrice Lyles born in Jackson Miss. to Joseph Lyles and Grace??? I would be grateful for any leads you might be able to provide me with. Looking through the photos, we may be related in name only as THIS family of Lyleses is black, though not of a (pure?) African strain. But considering that Thomas Jefferson wasn't the only owner who sired a line through his slaves who knows? Be assured I have no ancient axes to grind, and I sincerely hope you have none either. Your website is just an EXCELLENT WORK OF ART! You should be very proud of it. Wishing all the best life has to offer you and yours I remain, Michael Edward Lyles Michaellyles@hotmail.com

michael lyles - 02/10/00 02:04:08
My Email:michaellyles@about.com

Ya'll give us a holler when you can!

Edith LYLES Joffre - 02/09/00 03:04:24
My Email:humingbirdelj@juno.com

My family "Lyles" stemmed from Alexandria, Virginia, and back to Ireland and possibly Scotland. Think we may have some common links. You've put together some beautiful things in your website. You should be proud. Do any of your people hail from Alexan ria?

Robert Lee Lyles,Jr. Md, PhD - 02/07/00 00:33:49
My Email:rlyles@corecareinc.com

keep me informed if you have a listserve thanks BOB LYLES

Sarah Knowles - 02/05/00 17:06:30
My Email:sk110749@aol.com

Great site!!!!!! Not suprised, though. A lot of hard work and talent went into this.

prudence - 01/18/00 15:25:02
My Email:cyberaddict@itookmyprozac.com

well written! I am looking for a Charles O. Moody I need the names of his wife and children. Last adress was in 1934 Cincinnati, OH. Your page came up when I entered his name in my search engine, if you know ANYTHING please email me! Thanks! P:-)

Carol Lyles Canady - 01/13/00 03:16:06
My Email:CNCANADY@aol.com

I enjoyed visiting your site as William & Pricilla are the beginning of my line. Thanks for all the hard work.

Amanda Kahle - 01/09/00 16:15:53
My Email:amandakahle@hotmail.com

I am the daughter of Walter M. Kahle II. Nice site.

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