Over the last 18months of being on the net I have met some of the most wonderful people that have become really great friends to me. It is always such a laugh when I come on here and chat with them, they are so great. Oh I have been threatened with my cyber scalp if I dont mention a close friend's name Merethe. SEEEEEEEEE I did it Sara.

  Bugs and Ziggy
  Kenny and JoAnne
  Mario's Homepage
  Shirley's Homepage

A friend is someone who hears all your woes
who's always beside you however life goes
who's glad when your happy and blue when your sad
who sees all your good points
overlooks all your bad.
A friend is someone who gives you a lift
according to someone a friend is a gift
not one that you buy or select from a shelf
a friend is a gift that you give to yourself.
and as I start each day and end each day too
I whisper thank heavens I meet one like you.

Author Unknown

All these gorgoeus photos are by a brilliant gifted Australian Photographer by the name of Anne Geddes. She has done some of the most wonderful photos with babies and children.

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