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Book Recommendations (from my personal library):
Most of the books listed can be purchased online at or Barnes & Noble
  • Anthologies
      A Book of Luminous Things, Edited by Czeslaw Milosz (Harcourt Brace)
      Comic Poems
      The Norton Anthology of Poetry, Fourth Edition
      The Oxford Book of American Verse, 1950 Edition
      (Oxford University Press)
      The Penguin Book of Nonsense Verse,
      Unleashed--Poems by Writer's Dogs,
      Edited by Hempel and Shepard (Three Rivers Press)
      Very Bad Poetry,
      Edited by Kathryn Petra and Ross Petra (Vintage)
      Yowl--Selected Poems About Cats,
      Edited by Ferris Cook (Bulfinch)

  • Poetry Handbooks/Essays
      Forgotten English--A Merry Guide to Antiquated Words, Jeffrey Kacirk (William Morrow)
      The Making of a Poem--A Norton Anthology of Poetic Forms,
      Strand and Boland (Norton)
      The Poet's Companion,
      Addonizio and Laux (Norton)
      A Poetry Handbook,
      Mary Oliver (Harcourt Brace)
      A Poet's Guide to Poetry,
      Mary Kinzie (Chicago Guides to Writing)
      The Redress of Poetry,
      Seamus Heaney (Noonday)
      Rules of the Dance,
      Mary Oliver (Mariner Books)
      The Situation of Poetry--Contemporary Poetry and Its Traditions,
      Robert Pinsky (Princeton)
      Sound and Sense--An Introduction to Poetry, Ten Edition,
      Perrine (Harcourt)
      The Sounds of Poetry--A Brief Guide,
      Robert Pinsky (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)
      To Criticize the Critic and Other Writings,
      T. S. Eliot (University of Nebraska Press)
      A Treatise on Poetry,
      Czeslaw Milosz (The Echo Press/Harper Collins)
      Understanding Poetry,
      Brooks and Warren (Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich)

  • Poetry Collections
      E. E. Cummings--Selected Poems, Edited by Richard S. Kennedy (Liveright Publishing)
      The World's Wife, Poems by Carol Ann Duffy (Faber and Faber)
      Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats, T. S. Eliot (Harvest/HBJ)
      T. S. Eliot--The Wasteland and Other Poems (Harvest Books)
      Opened Ground--Selected Poems 1966-1996, Seamus Heaney (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)
      Philip Larkin--The Whitsun Weddings (Faber and Faber)
      Poems, C. S. Lewis (Harcourt Brace)
      Tramontana, Hugh McMillan (Dog & Bone)
      Five Decades: Poems 1925-1970, Pablo Neruda (Grove Press)
      Pablo Neruda--Selected Poems: A Bilingual Edition (Penguin)
      Ezra Pound--Selected Poems (New Directions)
      Selected Poems of Anne Sexton (Mariner Books)
      The Sonnets, William Shakespeare (Signet Classics)
      Where the Sidewalk Ends, Shel Silverstein (Harper & Row)
      The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens (Vintage Books/Random House)
      Dylan Thomas--Collected Poems (New Directions)
      Quite Early One Morning, Dylan Thomas (New Directions)
      The Collected Poems of W. B. Yeats, Edited by Richard J. Finneran (Simon & Schuster)

  • Poems--1972-2000
  • Poems--2000-2001
  • Poems--2002
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