Hi! Thanks for stopping by to visit me. Please tell me
a little about yourself and let me know how I can visit you!

Brian K. Rainear - 04/24/00 18:29:43
My Email:BKR469@aol.com
Favorite website: Nascar.com
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: playing w/ the kids.
Favorite food: anything I can grill
Where do you live?: Louisville, KY
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: nope...keep 'em coming!
Favorite movie: Caddyshack

Hiya Mary! I tried responding to your e-mail but it was returned "..undeliverable.." :o( Sorry, if you don't get this message right away, I had Michelle try too and she got the same message. PLEASE give Glen my address...I haven't had much luck trying to contact him since X~Mas '98. Hope all is well w/ your family, those kids are adorable! Nice to hear from you & please stay in-touch. Best Wishes, ~Brian~

Hogman - 12/17/99 11:55:21
My URL:http://www.hogmancountry.com
My Email:Hogman@cyberzone.net
Favorite website: mine of course
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: compose web pages and chat
Favorite food: red beans & corn bread
Where do you live?: Texas

: Howdy I enjoyed your site lots of nice pages there keep up the great work and if you have the time visit Hogman Country it's family friendly and pure country Christmas page-Poems-music-children games-water & snow applets and lots more Merry Christmas to you and yours Hank

Lindsey - 12/09/99 02:01:50
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/lindsefer/lindsefer.html
My Email:scuddahoo_scuddahay@yahoo.com
Favorite website: www.quoteland.com
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: read
Favorite food: Odus Spunkmire cookies
Where do you live?: Washington
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: no
Favorite movie: Notting Hill

Nice site

Karen - 12/03/99 18:13:58
My URL:http://home.pacifier.com/~waterson
My Email:waterson@pacifier.com
Favorite website: Not sure
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Counted cross stitch
Favorite food: Not sure
Where do you live?: Vancouver, WA
Favorite movie: Titanic

Hi: What a nice site you have. The pictures of the kids and your family are very nice, and clear. The kids are adorable, and you and your husband are a very nice looking couple. You did a very good job on your site. Keep up the good work. Feel free to visit m site, browse at your leisure, and sign my guestbook. I wish you a very Merry Christmas, and the best for the year 2000.

Renee - 11/30/99 06:54:52
My URL:http://www.compu-ad.net/public/kids.htm
My Email:emma@compu-ad.net
Where do you live?: hesperia, California

Christian Links for Kids and Teens

Ev Cook - 11/02/99 01:21:32
My URL:/heartland/pond/2920
My Email:cookie2879@prodigy.net
Favorite website: a lot!
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: not really just came back to visit

thanks for signing my guestbook. Just wanted to tell you to keep coming back, because I have just started and intend to put a lot more on my site!! Thanx again

Ev Cook - 10/29/99 20:41:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/pond/2920
My Email:cookie2879@prodigy.net
Favorite website: lots
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: putting up christmas village
Favorite food: 3 way chili
Where do you live?: Cincinnati,Oh
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: no
Favorite movie: Officer & A Gentleman

very nice site. I am only a novice on computer, so I am going to a lot of different places. Not enough time in the day, so I will come back to you fun & games another day

Diane - 10/17/99 06:31:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Coast/4013/
My Email:DianWlsn@aol.com
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Surf the net
Favorite food: chicken
Where do you live?: Philadelphia, PA
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: no
Favorite movie: Out for Justice

You have a really cute page. I like the teddies bears.

Susan - 10/15/99 04:06:19
My Email:jagators@aol.com
Where do you live?: Florida

Your webpage is really nice....

Susan - 10/15/99 04:04:37


Leslie - 10/04/99 00:57:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/lmringholz
My Email:lmringholz@juno.com
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: chat with friends
Favorite food: jaggerschnitzel
Where do you live?: NC
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: yep
Favorite movie: I like lots of them

Your kiddies are really cute :-) Nice page come and see Kailey my little angel.

Pat - 09/19/99 14:54:26
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/ps/yappat/
My Email:yappat@ivillage.com
Favorite food: chocolate!
Where do you live?: IL
Favorite movie: 7 Brides for 7 Brothers

Hi! Stop by my page sometime!

Mom Mom Davis - 07/30/99 17:07:39
My Email:davi8113@willie.salem.cc.nj.us


Lillian Davis - 07/30/99 17:05:35
My Email:davi8113@willie.salem.cc.nj.us
Favorite website: Soap opera update
Where do you live?: Down the street
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: Yes
Favorite movie: Gone with the wind

You did a good job. Your parents must have raised you right. Do the same with your kids. I'm proud of you. Over and out

Kirsten - 07/25/99 06:30:55
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ma/kirstensdomain
My Email:SummerBerry@webtv.net
Favorite website: yours :-)
Where do you live?: Massachusetts

I love your web page! The pictures are very sweet. You have a beautiful family :-)

eileen mchale - 04/18/99 00:26:00
My Email:mchaleem1@hotmail.com
Favorite website: trivia
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: tv
Favorite food: cheese
Where do you live?: clevland, ohio
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: yes
Favorite movie: billy madison


Michele - 04/13/99 00:37:22
My URL:http://expage.com/page/michelesstuff
My Email:michele_1@zdnetmail.com
Favorite website: Too many to choose from!
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Everything
Favorite food: Pasta
Where do you live?: Wisconsin
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: Nope!
Favorite movie: An Affair To Remember & Gone With The Wind

I loved your site! Your children are adorable. I found you from the Sony Station Id page.

Lori (Lori's Backgrounds) - 03/25/99 19:16:51
My URL:http://homepage.dave-world.net/~xpertree/bgindex.html
My Email:2burnt4u@dave-world.net
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Crafts & Outdoor stuff
Favorite food: Mac & Cheese
Where do you live?: IL
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: not yet
Favorite movie: I like alot of movies

You have done an outstanding job here. You are blessed with a nice family. Keep up the good work, I enjoyed my visit. Please stop by and visit me at my Homepage.

doddlesbuggicq - 03/12/99 15:33:10
My URL:http://icq
My Email:icq
Favorite website: napoleon&icq
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: watch tv,er
Favorite food: just like food
Where do you live?: sayre nj
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: no
Favorite movie: none

you seem like a down to earth person on the game.i like what you had to say about the ASSWHOLE, flayerman. he is really a nasty man. hope to play napoleon with you alot. doddlesbugg

- 03/12/99 13:43:07


Jim - 02/27/99 06:10:20
My Email:speedymac@worldnet.att.net
Favorite website: www.foodtv.com
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Chil with the wife
Favorite food: Anything I cook
Where do you live?: Phila,PA
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: No
Favorite movie: Any Westen

Have a G'day.See ya @ the Station Sony.......Jim AKA speedtmac at sony

Ae - 02/22/99 16:55:31
My Email:vowel@ivillage.com

Hi Mary! I ran across your addy on the archive list for Primal Scream. Your family is truly lovely! Thanks for sharing that with us. PS My name is Ae, pronounced like the *a* in Kate.

O-ten (Carol Otten) - 02/02/99 02:44:59
My Email:Otten@PHD-Computers. Com
Favorite website: Sony Station (so far)
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Spending time with my grandchildren, traveling in our motorhome and metal detecting and rockhounding
Favorite food: A big pot of homemade vegetable soup
Where do you live?: Repaupo, NJ
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: No, they are fun
Favorite movie: Dr. Zhivago

I'm very pleased to have met you. I have (2) daughters about your age 36 & 38, and 2 lovely grandchildren 6 & 9. You also have a lovely family and your children are beautiful.

Shanda /pandora19 - 01/24/99 01:59:37
My Email:pandora_sm@yahoo.com
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: I like to chat and look up good recipes.
Where do you live?: Independence, Kentucky
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: Nope

I just wanted to say your web page is great and your have two beautiful children. I have a son of my own he is two and we have another one on the way. We are hoping it's a girl this time...=0)I do chat at sony and I go by the name of pandora19 so if you ever around please say hello or send me a gram. I will be sure to come back and visit your page again, and thanks for sharing.

Atanasoff - 01/23/99 04:51:46
My URL:http://fly.to/atanasoff
Favorite website: http://www.javagoodies.com
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: No more favorite, because 'puter' is my one and only favorite thing
Favorite food: Anything but Mexican foods
Where do you live?: I am under federal witness protection program, so I can't answer that
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: No
Favorite movie: War Games

You made me run out of words here because of your too many questions (just kidding). How do you come up with an idea like that? Putting rather silly questions on your guestbook. Anyway, it is cool to put something like that on your page to give it a un que look!

RedChevelle-Judy - 01/22/99 20:05:43
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: chat with others
Favorite food: pizza
Where do you live?: Arkanasas
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: no
Favorite movie: Waterboy

You have a beautiful family!

donna - 01/21/99 03:34:28
My URL:http://members.aol.com/pootrmom/lance.html
My Email:turmeric2bellsouth.net
Where do you live?: Louisville, Ky.

Really liked your page, Mary, and you have two beautiful children!

Mike - 01/19/99 23:27:01
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/mikeSdirectory/index.html
My Email:mikeswartz@excite.com
Favorite website: Too many to name.
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Golf, bowl...play.
Favorite food: Pizza
Where do you live?: pennsylvania
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: love to be questioned
Favorite movie: It's a Wonderful Life...of course

Hi Mary! Thanks for visiting my station id page. I like your web site. If you get a chance visit mine. Don't forget to sign my guestbook, and let me know (at the bottom of my main page) what you think about my site. Take care! Peace love and light.. mike

Jacquie - 01/08/99 00:03:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Promenade/3802/
My Email:jacq48@hotmail.com
Favorite website: too many to list
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: writing..& many listed at my website
Favorite food: moose meat, lasagna, pizza, turkey
Where do you live?: BC, Canada
Favorite movie: undecided

enjoyed rambling through all your pages. Am sure to be back.

Deanna - 12/22/98 18:14:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/9848
My Email:peachy513@geocities.com
Favorite website: http://www.crosswalk.com
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Curl up with a good book
Favorite food: Anything with starch!! (pasta, potatoes, etc.)
Where do you live?: Michigan
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: :o)
Favorite movie: Any "chick flick"

Hi, Mary! I found your site while surfing the Heartland Select Web Ring. You have a very nice place here--your kids are adorable! :o)

I visited your recipe page but started drooling so I had to get out of there real quick! I also checked out your fun st ff page--lots of great places to visit.

I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season. Take care and God bless!

Shamby - 12/22/98 16:11:57
My Email:shamby@seark.net
Favorite website: (any with Dirty Dancing or Patrick Swayze stuff) and ParentSoup
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: dance and write
Favorite food: mexican chicken
Where do you live?: Arkansas
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: LOL
Favorite movie: Dirty Dancing

Your page was great! Nice to put a face with a name!

- 12/09/98 04:25:25


Mom and Dad Straub - 12/09/98 03:13:56
My Email:FLStraub@jnlk.com
Favorite website: Undecided
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: eat and sleep
Favorite food: Spaghetti
Where do you live?: Pennsville NJ
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: no
Favorite movie: Irma LeDeuce

Good looking kids and husband. Very nice page Mary. We love you all! Mom and Dad Straub.

Louise - 11/24/98 18:36:23
My URL:http://louisegraver.future.easyspace.com/
My Email:louisegraver@ndirect.co.uk
Favorite website: http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/mongreldogs
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Read
Favorite food: Pizza
Where do you live?: London, UK
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: Nope
Favorite movie: Stand by me

Lovely page. The kids are so cute!

Val! - 11/15/98 01:29:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/8573
My Email:vhuestis@isn.net
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: It's NOT housework! hmmmmmmmm:0)
Favorite food: Curry
Where do you live?: PEI
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: hahahahaha!

Just loved tripping through your pages.. they're very very nice and relaxing and really great too! If you get a chance come by and visit us too!

Janice - 10/30/98 05:30:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/8238/
My Email:phdmom@telepath.com
Favorite website: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/5558
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Home School My Grandchildren
Favorite food: Salad
Where do you live?: Oklahoma
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: No..I like this stuff..*LOL
Favorite movie: Fried Green Tomatoes

Great Web page! Keep up the wonderful work! Janice

nancy - 10/06/98 15:18:23
My Email:nanmur@health.nb.ca
Favorite website: parentsoup
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: spendt ime with my family! (walking, going to the park, community activities)
Favorite food: italien spaghetti
Where do you live?: miramichi, nb, canada
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: nope!
Favorite movie: terms of endearment

You have a beautiful family! Love your webpage!

Eve Switzer aka Eve_S - 10/06/98 04:38:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/5543/
My Email:kidoctr@enid.com
Favorite website: Parent soup, of course!
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Exercising
Favorite food: Chinese noodles
Where do you live?: Enid, Oklahoma
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: nope
Favorite movie: Lady Hawke

Cute webpage! Loved the pics and your really nice graphics. Gave me a few ideas for my webpage... See you at the soup! Eve and Amina

10/03/98 01:10:30
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Maureen Winkelspecht - 09/10/98 19:41:26
My Email:wink7611@rowan.edu

Mary I loved what you did. I bet the kids feel really important.

Heather Marie - 09/05/98 03:26:36
My URL:http://members.aol.com/TigrLil/index.html
My Email:TigrLil@hotmail.com
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Be with my child
Favorite food: Mexican
Where do you live?: WI

Thank you so much for inviting me to view your site. I have really enjoyed my first visit. It is lovely, I like the country graphics. I will return :-) All the best to you.

Soft Petals - 09/01/98 02:17:10
My URL:http://www.tp.net/tp/users/gibran/default.htm
My Email:softpetals@tp.net
Where do you live?: RI USA

Hi Mary, I followed your link from a guestbook. You have a really nice place here.....keep up the good work *smiles*

duane a. donecker - 08/31/98 19:31:50
My Email:dadz@pacbell.net
Favorite website: dadz's navy page
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: fish
Favorite food: anything bbq
Where do you live?: imperial beach, ca
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: never
Favorite movie: stand by me

hi great page you have cute lil ones, and your house is so beautiful maybe ill have a house like that once i retire from the navy, well if you get a chance please stop by and visit

Mica - 08/29/98 09:48:45
My URL:http://www.dlc.fi/~mica-l
My Email:mica@stones.com
Favorite website: Yours
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: ; )
Favorite food: Pizzzaaaaaah
Where do you live?: Helsinki, Finland
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: not so much...
Favorite movie: Pulp Fiction

Nice place you here...

Kirsten - 08/28/98 03:54:12
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/JabberWay/tccberry
My Email:SummerBerry@webtv.net
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: sleep..lol...
Favorite food: hmmm...
Where do you live?: Burlington, Massachusetts
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: hehe

Great website... Cute pics :)) Keep up the good work!! Come visit my webpage and sign my guestbook sometime :)

Lillian Davis - 08/27/98 19:21:53
My URL:http://willie@salem.nj.us
Favorite website: Mary's page
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Rest
Favorite food: Anything
Where do you live?: Down the street from you
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: Yes
Favorite movie: Gone With the Wind

I love you and your kids and Len too. Can't wait until we go to the shore. See ya.

Kimmy Smith - 08/22/98 12:10:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/bluffs/8874/index.html
My Email:wksmith@cmq.net
Favorite website: ???
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: play with my kids
Favorite food: any---you see why I have a weight problem
Where do you live?: Louisiana
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: NOPE
Favorite movie: Best of the Best

Thanks for the visit.

Beth - 08/21/98 20:11:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/1920/
My Email:bethp@wt.net
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: I'm ALWAYS on the puter!
Favorite food: shrimp scampi
Where do you live?: Houston, TX
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: No, not really
Favorite movie: Steel Magnolias

I love your pages! Your kids are darling, I love their big dark eyes. I also liked your game page...the quizzes for Gilligan and the Brady Bunch are great!

wkndwar - 08/21/98 05:14:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/motorcity/speedway/3509
My Email:wkndwar@innocent.com
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: play bingo..chase kids..LOL
Favorite food: salad
Where do you live?: Oklahoma
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: LOL...cute one
Favorite movie: ghost

thank you for stopping by...really nice page you have here.good picture of the kids.they can be a handful,but they are great to have, I have 5 of them.thank you for signing my guest book.

Ruth Ridgway - 08/19/98 02:46:25
My Email:ridgwaj@azstarnet.com
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Playing tennis
Favorite food: Fried Chicken
Where do you live?: Tucson, AZ
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: No
Favorite movie: DancingWith Wolves

You are so clever. Always knew you were very intelligent. Keep up the good work. Your family is very lovely and I love you all very much. Come and see us!

Lauren Avery - 08/18/98 16:12:25
My Email:lavery@notes.cc.bellcore.com
Favorite website: ParentSoup
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: spend time with my family!
Favorite food: Almost anything!
Where do you live?: Joisey
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: yes!
Favorite movie: It's a Wonderful Life

Hey Mary! Cool site! I'm going to have to learn to do this when we get our computer at home. You can help me! Lauren

Lyndy - 08/17/98 21:07:07
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in/matchamom
My Email:matchamom@angelfire.com
Favorite website: Mine of Course
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Take care of my children
Favorite food: Pasta Diablo
Where do you live?: Indiana
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: No, of course not LOL
Favorite movie: Braveheart

Your site is great! Come visit me!

Lee - 08/17/98 15:58:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/bluffs/2210
My Email:LeeGabriel@msn.com
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: My Kids!
Favorite food: I'm not picky
Where do you live?: Mississippi
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: Ha ha
Favorite movie: Too many to mention

Loved your site... I came via parent soup!! Come see us Gabriels!

Susan - 08/17/98 11:18:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/8084
My Email:stephen@yours.com
Where do you live?: Military Family

Thanks for signing my guestbook too! Your children are adorable!! Keep up the good work with your page, it is coming along very nicely!!

Jan Tenopir aka Flash2 - 08/16/98 05:07:36
My URL:/Heartland/Woods/4300/
Favorite website: Parent Soup, of course! lol
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Read
Favorite food: Too many to name
Where do you live?: WA, USA
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: Nope - keep being nosy! lol
Favorite movie: hummmm, Desk Set with Tracy and Hepburn

Hi, Mary! What a beautiful home page! You are not only blessed with talen to design a lovely page - you are blessed with a beautiful family. The children are so gorgeous and it's nice to see little Dominick has such good taste in football teams... lol 'm a BIG Cowboys fan. cya in the Soup

Jan Tenopir aka Flash2 - 08/16/98 05:04:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/4300/
Favorite website: Parent Soup, of course! lol
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Read
Favorite food: Too many to name


Art Cloninger - 08/14/98 21:18:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/4518
My Email:acloning@access.k12.wv.us
Favorite food: Italian food
Where do you live?: Huntington, WV

Mary, I have really enjoyed my visit to your beautiful and delightful home page. You are off to a great start. Thanks for inviting me to come. Please return often to mine as it is changing all the time. I am leaving Molly here with you to visit with Ch lsea, Dominick, and you for as long as you wish. She will be happy to bring you back to us for as many visits as you may like.....

Clarisse - 08/13/98 04:28:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/4761/index.html
My Email:clarissegibson@yahoo.com
Favorite website: Too Many to single out one
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Needlework
Favorite food: Ice Cream
Where do you live?: California
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: no
Favorite movie: Too Many to single out one, but like romantic comedies the best

Thanks for signing my guest book and the lovely compliments. Your page is really nice and you have adorable children. Give them a lot of hugs, before you know it they will have grown up and left home. Yes, I'm empty nesting, tee-hee!

- 08/12/98 22:35:56


Kim Gates(TexMom in Parent Soup) - 08/12/98 20:48:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/4353/
My Email:kgates@intergate.com
Favorite website: Free for all with Flash
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: There is not one
Favorite food: Italian
Where do you live?: Katy,Texas
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: No
Favorite movie: Terms of Endearment

I love your page.It is so cozy.I was linked to your page through Melissa's (Funmom's)page.I am also on the Parent Soup Web Ring.Again your page is great.Kim(TexMom)

Kim Chamberlin - 08/11/98 05:34:29
My Email:critter4@bellatlantic.net
Favorite website: acrophobia
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: dancing at the local clubs
Favorite food: everything but spinach, asparagus and brusssel sprouts
Where do you live?: Norfolk, Virginia
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: LOL
Favorite movie: Mask of Zorro(at the moment=) )

Mary, This is a great website...For your first time, It's darn good! Love the different music for the different pages..I will definitely be back!

Rose - 08/10/98 17:35:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/6468
My Email:rosebud68@ivillage.com
Favorite website: This I'm not sure of.........There's so MANY! HA HA
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Reading or Cross-Stitching
Favorite food: Hamburgers
Where do you live?: New York
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: NOPE!
Favorite movie: Ghost

You visited us at our page and signed our guestbook and I wanted to visit you back. You have a very beautiful family. Very happy too! You are doing great on your website. Just keep it up!

Anitalyn - 08/09/98 16:51:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/9284
My Email:anitalyn@sprintmail.com
Favorite website: Parent Soup
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Play with my ds
Favorite food: Shrimp Scampi
Where do you live?: North Carolina
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: no way!
Favorite movie: Slingblade

Great Site! I love the cute design! See ya in the Soup!

Cyn - 08/08/98 10:22:01
My URL:http://members.aol.com/cynnamon02/index.html
My Email:Cynnamon02@aol.com
Favorite website: *Lady Dj's*
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Playing with my babies = )
Favorite food: Anything Fattening!
Where do you live?: Way out here in Hawaii!!
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: Nope, not at all! This is fun = )
Favorite movie: Legends of the Fall

HI =) I popped in through the Parent Soup webring. You have a wonderful family site. I have to come back when I have more time to visit! I enjoyed looking through your family photos... beautiful family! I'll be by again. Take care of yourself and each other.

Melissa (Funmom) - 08/05/98 19:52:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Wods/3852
My Email:mash@alltel.net
Favorite website: Soup
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Cross Stich, Read, work in the Garden
Favorite food: Seafood
Where do you live?: Georigia
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: Not yet
Favorite movie: Gone With The Wind

Great Page! Keep checking my recipe page, I change the recipes often.

TheaGiles - 08/05/98 05:07:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/bluffs/1028
My Email:BJ2cl@aol.com
Favorite website: parentsoup
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: swimming
Favorite food: FUDGE
Where do you live?: PA
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: no
Favorite movie: Return to Witch Mountain

Hi, I just surfed over from my guestbook....LOL. Great page, & cute kids.

Duane - 08/03/98 03:27:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/9024/
My Email:dbailey@winternet.com
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: sleep
Favorite food: chocolate peanut clusters
Where do you live?: Minnesota
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: not yet :o)
Favorite movie: king of hearts

very nice family page

Linda - 08/02/98 23:35:52
My URL:/Heartland/Flats/1828
My Email:linda_a1@hotmail.com
Favorite website: Mine off course
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Bike, swim
Favorite food: Chinese
Where do you live?: Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: not really
Favorite movie: On Golden Pond

This is a real cool web site you have a couple of good looking kids and the husband too, also your self. Keep up the good work and good luck to you and your's.

Ryan "dhyper1" King - 08/02/98 05:35:09
My Email:mtdewbuzz@aol.com or dhyper1@yahoo.com
Favorite website: Acrophobia
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Relax!!
Favorite food: Mountain Dew
Where do you live?: Cincinnati
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: Depends, am I getting them right?
Favorite movie: The Shawshank Redemption

OK...so I messed up the first time! Great site you got here. At least now I know which Acroer was sending me all those e-mails!!! LOL

Ryan "dhyper1" King - 08/02/98 05:30:47
My Email:mtdewbuzz@aol.com/dhyper1@yahoo.com
Favorite website: Acrophobia


Tiffany - 08/01/98 17:21:40
My Email:CATif@aol.com
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: go to the beach of course
Favorite food: pizza
Where do you live?: So Cal
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: not even
Favorite movie: Wizard of Oz

Great site sis....beautiful kids

Linda - 07/28/98 05:17:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/1828
My Email:linda_a1@hotmail.com
Where do you live?: Winnipeg Manitoba Canada

Nice site keep up the good work. Do drop by and visit my site.

Amethyst - 07/26/98 22:39:06
My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/6243
My Email:eileenlowe@pagosasprings.net

Just surfed into your site and really enjoyed my visit to your site.


miriam - 07/22/98 12:34:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/1826
My Email:manderson@csi.compuserve.com
Favorite website: Virgin Radio
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Being with my husband!
Favorite food: Indian or Chinese TakeAway
Where do you live?: Reading, UK
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: Almost
Favorite movie: Carrie

Your kids are really cute. You have a nice page. Come visit me sometime and leave a message.

- 07/15/98 04:03:01
My Email:gheasley@alltel.net
Favorite website: ICQ talking to son
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: relax and do things with family
Favorite food: ice cream
Where do you live?: New York
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: nay
Favorite movie: The Godfather

Really liked it. Cute kids. See you in Acro.

Roger Roney - 07/10/98 01:59:44
My Email:rroney@utm.edu
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: work on house
Favorite food: Lasagna
Where do you live?: Sharon, Tn.
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: yes, lol
Favorite movie: Terminator2


Paul L. Redkoles - 07/09/98 04:26:41
My URL:http://www.stockton.edu/~stk3019/
My Email:stk3019@loki.stockton.edu
Favorite website: www.nasa.gov
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Play Music
Favorite food: Cheese Steaks
Where do you live?: Carneys Point
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: Nah
Favorite movie: Back to the Future (Part I)

Great Website!!! 'A' #1

Jeannie - 07/09/98 02:55:42
My URL:http://Geocities.com/RainForest/canopy/8352/
My Email:MsFrogette@Mindspring.com
Favorite website: Mary63's!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: WISH I was on the computer!
Favorite food: anything with a byte!
Where do you live?: In front of my 'puter!
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: are you?
Favorite movie: The NET

Hi Mary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Charlie Redkoles - 07/09/98 01:34:48
My Email:stk4571@loki.stockton.edu
Favorite website: ESPN
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Relaxing
Favorite food: Chicken
Where do you live?: Hollywood Ave
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: No
Favorite movie: Apollo 13

Nice Web Site! & Thanks so much for your help Lenny!!!!

Crissy Bloomer - 07/08/98 13:53:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/8265
My Email:Bloomer5@prodigy.net or christine.bloomer@usbio.com
Favorite website: Mine, of course! :-)
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Spend time with my family
Favorite food: Anything italian
Where do you live?: Levittown, Pa
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: YES! LOL!
Favorite movie: Dirty Dancing

Hi Mary! Great job on your site. The pictures of Chelsea and Dominick are just darling. I'm going to have to check out your acrophobia link. I've never heard of it, but it sounds like fun. See you on the Soup. Hugs, Crissy

G@ Peach - 07/05/98 23:48:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ridge/3636
My Email:ga_peach69@hotmail.com
Favorite website: Acrophobia
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: You mean I CAN get off the computer??? LOL
Favorite food: Seafood
Where do you live?: Georgia
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: Never :-)
Favorite movie: The Game

Heya hun.. it's coming along quite nicely! Keep up the good work!! Ok, that's good enough.. now let's go play Acro :-) hehe

Paul "Tony G" Goodhue - 07/05/98 07:36:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/1059
My Email:pgoodhue@webzone.net
Favorite website: Those of my Acro friends
Favorite thing to do when not on the 'puter: Think of what I'll do when I get on the 'puter (I have no life)
Favorite food: Anything Italian
Where do you live?: Tulsa, OK
Are you sick of all my questions yet?: Nope, got anymore?
Favorite movie: Goodfellas

Your page is coming along great...I like it. Can't wait for more pics.

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