Teacher -- FRANK DAVIS

I'm trying to remember their names some 45 years later.
Sadly some are no longer with us.  I shall use the names that I knew everyone by.
If I have some wrong please email me with the correct name and I will gladly correct them.

Looking back now, I find it hard to believe that the teacher or photographer didn't get the lads in the front row to put their socks and shoes on.  Also most of the lads had just come off the playground and had very muddy knees and legs, 'but hey presto' I'm here.
Click on pic to see large original

Jimmy Cooper, Lennie Crawford, Stan Carran, Colin Baird, Russell Web, Bill Laurie,
David Ross, John Wilson, Ken Stuart.
Graeme Stuart, Norman Arthur, Ronald Goldsmith, Leslie Livingstone, Robin Bickley,
David Wilson, Dick Berry, Donald Shearing, Gordon Shearing.
Isobell Bennett, Pamela McNaught, Adrian More, Kathleen Anderson, Bernetta Ward, Gloria Bryce,
Faye Wilson, Colleen Gorton, Nancey Evans, Elaine Pemberton, Linley Hogg.
Kaye Webster, Helen McNaughton, Hilda Collis, Susan Mitchell, Clair Oliver, Judith Arthur,
Leslie Ward, Joan Anderson, Daphne Web, Joy Carran.
Robert McNeil, Donald Guise, Kevin O'Connor, Alister Ward, Robin Speeden, Stewart McGregor,
Graeme Bickley, Michael O'Connor.


index page....... home page.... family tree page.... no pix on this one yet.... My Daughters pages....
all about my ham radio here.... 888 Alpine FM,   Queenstown NZ.... my 3D pages.... the mutton bird islands.... Riverton District School,   1956...
family tree on my Grandfather's side.... family tree on my Grandmother's side.... My trip to Pearl Island in the southern part of New Zealnad.... some virtual learning that I did during my early days on the net.... your name could be in the Bates Book....
O'Connor Crest, and nothing here yet...... nothing here yet...... Here is Grandma's Titi Diary nothing here either......... nothing here either.........

This site last updated.... February 2004

© Mike O'Connor 1998            radiocall@hotmail.com

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