We are Mark & Miriam Anderson, we live in Reading, Berkshire, UK. We have been married for over 5 years. It is our six year anniversary in August 2002. We are pleased to annouce that our first baby - Ilana - was born on 2nd April 2002. Please go to the baby page for more info!
We have a black cat called Jet who is quite a handful. We got him from a rescue home in January 1994. He is completly mad and very hyperactive! He streaks around the house at a hundred miles an hour! He has the loudest miaow, the sharpest claws and has a fondness for chasing his tail! He has recently started to catch mice and birds which is not very nice, luckily most are unharmed and can be released back into the wild...
We are hoping to update all the links to this page and add some new photos and reviews. So make sure you come and visit again soon to see the changes!.
Please pay a visit to Oliver's Home Page (Miriam's brother) as it has so much more things on it than ours... It also has some very cute pictures of our niece Rebecca.
© 2000 Miriam Anderson OR Mark Anderson
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