Come on... We know that durgs kill... Do we have to
have it happen to our kids before we do something
about it?
Here are some very helpful links...
They will help us help our kids...
Brian's Story A sweet
story about my best friend...
Scott's Dark Side A true story about how he fought to get clean!
Innocent Angel
Hear The Children's Cry
Help find 9 month old Sabrina
Lets Save a child!
And give someone a reason to smile :o)
Ending Our Drug NIGHTMARE
Overdose Preventin
Naked Truth About 50-Years Failed Drug War
Self-Test For Teenagers
Just Say No To Drugs
Q & A Other Drugs
Tips For Parents
Rapping The Message
Friends Of Narconon
Young People
Tales From The Drug Side
Parenting Teens
Talent Graveyard
If you know of some more links I can add...
Please E-mail me
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Missing Children's Ring site is owned by Wendy.
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