......Please say "NO
" to drugs......
Im 24 years old,
On January 8th 1999 I started
His name is Robert,
On January 8th 2000
We have set the date
~~~~~~~~ UpDate~~~~~~~~
Just Married
On September 9th
My daughter is my life...
She is now 5 years old.
"Thou hast covered me in my
We are both Christains...
My Family is great.
I also have two sisters,
Anita Is my oldest sister she
We have a little furry member of
We both Love Tweety and We even
We also like being members
And up intell 2 years ago, I was
raising my daughter by myself.
going out with the most
wonderful man in the world.
He has stepped in and became
the daddy that my daughter
has always needed.
I met him about 3 years ago,
but never thought I would
fall in love with him...
But guess what?
Our one year anniversary,
Robert asked me to marry him.
I said yes!!!
for Sept. 9th 2000
Robert and Wendy
Said "I Do"
The New, Mr. and Mrs.
This photo was done by "Cameo Rose Wedding Chapel"
May 1999
Her name is
Chyann .
She was born Nov 21st 1994 at 4:25pm.
She was 6 pounds 5.8 oz and 20 inches
long. With dark brown hair and green
eyes. I fought for her... See I
went threw 4 months of
pre-turm labor
I spent almost the whole 4 months
in the hospital... Still she was
born a month early...
39 pounds with long light brown
hair and green/gray/blue eyes.
She's my little Sunshine...
I love every day I get to share
with her...
mother's womb. I will praise Thee;
for I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
Psalm 139:13,14
I was Baptized on April 28th 1996...
My daughter was presented to the Lord
in dedication on Fathers Day June
16th 1996.
Calvary Community
I have two loving
James and Juanita.
I could not ask for better ones.
They have laughed with me,
And cryed with me too...
I love my parents very much...
Jami and Anita...
Jami is 16 months older then me...
She has a 5 year old daughter.
Her name is Kieona...
is 10 years older then me.
Shes not only my sister shes my
best friend too...
She has 5
children ,
Christopher 16,
Cassie 14,
Katie 8,
Kellie 6,
and Joseph 3.
I love them all very much..
If you would like to hear more
about them, then go to
Mamapoohs lil'
our family too.....
To see her Please go to
Kayleena and I have lots of hobbys...
The one we both enjoy the most is
hugging eachother....
We like to play barbies or go
swimming and going for walks with our
dogs, Just spending time together...
We also like collecting McDonald
toys... Kayleena and I like to
get new toys to put in our
have a Tweety page, All about
of two car clubs
Remember When
Cruise Association