E!ntertainment Rules!!

Have Fun!

Hi! We're Art Spice & Teddy. Hi!

Art Spice is in charge of the movies and all other E!ntertainment.

Me, Teddy, is in charge of all other fun on this sight.

This week's Top E!ntertainment E!scars go to: Movies of the week: SpiceWorld & Godzilla Song of the week: Wannabe by the Spice Girls Book of the week: Night of the Living Dummy by R.L. Stine Group of the week: Spice Girls! E!ntertainer of the Week: Hank Azaria Star info

Now for our E!ntertainment Chat rooms and games! Sorry, your browser is not Java enabled, you will not be able to chat.

THIS PAGE IS STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTUION! E!ntertainment is is for kids only. Others who abuse E!ntertainment and our other web sites will cause us to have to take E!ntertainment chat rooms and all other chat rooms and guestbooks.

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