Women in Christianity and Islaam
Whenever the topic of Islaam is brought up among Westerners, it has been my experience that the first
The problem is twofold: First of all, those people who make such objections usually only have a very
I was once passing through Canada with my parent's in law and their family. As we walked down the street a
Canadian Christian girl (in her late teens to early twenties) passed by us with a group of her friends. She looked at my mother in law who was dressed in modest clothing and had a large scarf wrapped around her head such that only her face was showing. She then stopped my mother in law and said words to the effect of: "Why do you allow your men to oppress you?. Why do you wear these clothes?."Now, my mother in law is a university graduate, a straight A student, highly respected by her peers, and
I decided to move a reasonable distance away and let her handle this situation herself. My mother in law was
very happy to answer this girl's question and went on to explain to her about our religion and customs and how we prefer to dress modestly, and that Allaah Almighty requires us to do this. However, this was not the answer this girl was looking for so she retorted: "Thanks for sharing!," then spun around and stormed off.Now, in my home country, our elders are quite used to being highly respected by those who are younger
Many non Muslims feel sorry for any Muslim women they see adorned in their modest clothing. They feel
that they are deprived the freedom to roam around in more scant and revealing clothing. Anyone who lives in a manner other that which they have become accustomed to is seen by them to be oppressed and forced to live in this manner. There are certain tribes in the Amazon jungle, in Australia, and in Africa which have become accustomed to walking around in a simple G-string around their waist. What would the people of the West say if these people were to condemn the Western habit of "forcing" their women to wear "excessive amounts of clothing" and to demand that all women in the west immediately stop wearing anything but the simplest gesturing around their waist? What if they were to say that the Western society should immediately stop unjustly persecuting their women and preventing them from freely roaming the streets wearing only a pair of socks? They would say that the people making these demands have no morals or shame. Philosophers would have a field day with such a question.What if someone were to claim that it was immoral, discriminatory, and unjust to separate men and women in
different public bathrooms just as it is not just to do so with blacks and whites. What if this person were to then call (in the interest of equality, fairness, and constitutional freedom of course) for a merging of men and women's bathrooms into one "unisex" or "equal opportunity" bathrooms for both men and women? Once again, the philosophers would have a field day. Anyone who follows the news will see that this may indeed be where the USA is now headed. In the New York Post (31 Aug. 1994 or a little before) it was reported that women have now won the right to appear topless in the New York subway system. Where will the USA be a few years from now? That is anyone's guess.Who has the power to determine what is decent and modest clothing? Who is to determine what is decent
We can indeed find this lesson in the story of Adam. In the Islaamic version of the story of Adam (slightly
Example of dresses worn by a Christian nun.
Well then, what is the Biblical view on these matters? Actually, even in this day and age there still remains
Biblical view:
What the New Testament has to say:
1 Timothy 2:11-14 "Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to
1 Corinthians 14:34 "Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to
1 Corinthians 11:5-10: "But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head
uncovereddishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. For if the woman be1 Corinthians 11:13: "Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God (with her head)
What the Old Testament has to say:
Genesis 3:12-16 "And the man (Adam) said, The woman (Eve) whom thou gavest to be with me, she
Leviticus 12:2-5 "Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a woman have conceived seed, and born
Ecclesiastics 7:26-28 "And I find more bitter than death the woman who is a snare, whose heart is a
Leviticus 15:19-30 "And if a woman have an issue (her period/menses), [and] her issue in her flesh be
In other words, the Bible teaches us that:
1.Women should learn in silence and subjugation.
What the canonized saints of Christianity said about women:
"Woman is a daughter of falsehood, a sentinel of Hell, the enemy of peace; through her Adam lost paradise"
"Woman is the instrument which the devil uses to gain possession of our souls" (St. Cyprian)
"Woman is the fountain of the arm of the devil, her voice is the hissing of the serpent" (St. Anthony)
"Woman has the poison of an asp, the malice of a dragon" (St. Gregory)
St. Tertullian, while he was talking to his 'best beloved sisters' in the faith, he said, "Do you not know that
Centuries later, St. Thomas Aquinas still considered women as defective, "As regards the individual nature, woman is defective and misbegotten, for the active force in the male seed tends to the production of a perfect likeness in the masculine sex; while the production of woman comes from a defect in the active force or from some material indisposition, or even from some external influence." (all these quotations can be found in Karen Armstrong's book, The Gospel According to Woman, London: Elm Tree Books, 1986, pp. 52-62. See also Nancy van Vuuren, The Subversion of Women as Practiced by Churches, tch-Hunters, and Other Sexists Philadelphia: Westminster Press pp. 28-30.)
Orthodox Jewish men in their daily morning prayer recite "Blessed be God King of the universe that Thou has
not made me a woman." The women, on the other hand, thank God every morning for "making me according to Thy will" (Thena Kendath, "Memories of an Orthodox youth" in Susannah Heschel, ed. On being a Jewish Feminist, New York: Schocken Books, 1983, pp. 96-97)According to the Jewish Talmud, "women are exempt from the study of the Torah." In the first century CE,
Rabbi Eliezer said: "If any man teaches his daughter Torah it is as though he taught her lechery" (Leonard J. Swidler, Women in Judaism: the Status of Women in Formative Judaism, Metuchen, N.J: Scarecrow Press, 1976, pp. 83-93)According to Rabbi Dr. Menachem M. Brayer (Professor of Biblical Literature at Yeshiva University) in his
book 'The Jewish woman in Rabbinic literature', it was the custom of Jewish women to go out in public with a head covering which, sometimes, even covered the whole face leaving one eye free (Psychosocial Perspective, Hoboken, N.J: Ktav Publishing House, 1986, p. 239). He quotes some famous ancient Rabbis saying, "It is not like the daughters of Israel to walk out with heads uncovered" and "Cursed be the man who lets the hair of his wife be seen....a woman who exposes her hair for self adornment brings poverty." Rabbinic law forbids the recitation of blessings or prayers in the presence of a bareheaded married womanSt. Tertullian in his famous treatise 'On The Veiling Of Virgins' wrote, "Young women, you wear your veils
out on the streets, so you should wear them in the church, you wear them when you are among strangers, then wear them among your brothers..." Among the Canon laws of the Catholic church today, there is a law that require women to cover their heads in church (Clara M. Henning, " Cannon Law and the Battle of the Sexes" in Rosemary R. Ruether, ed., Religion and Sexism: Images of Woman in the Jewish and Christian Traditions, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1974, p. 272.).Some Christian denominations, such as the Amish and the Mennonites for example, keep their women veiled
to the present day. The reason for the veil, as offered by their Church leaders, is "The head covering is a symbol of woman's subjection to the man and to God" : The same logic introduced by St. Paul in the New Testament (Donald B. Kraybill, The riddle of the Amish Culture, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989, p. 56.)Russian Orthodox women are expected to wear a head covering when in the church. Most don't outside of it
in America, but many in Russia and many other eastern Orthodox women all over eastern Europe, Greece, and the middle east do wear scarves on their heads all the time when in publicThese are only a small sampling. For many more similar quotations please obtain a copy of the 70 page book
"Women in Islaam Versus Women in the Judaeo-Christian Tradition: The Myth & The Reality," By Dr. Sherif Abdel Azeem, World Assembly of Muslim Youth.Continuing, according to the Old Testament, a childless widow must marry her husband's brother, even if he
is already married and regardless of her consent, so that she might bear a child from him (Genesis 38).Further, according to the Bible:
"If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are
Deuteronomy 22:28-30
One must ask a simple question here, who is really punished, the man who raped the woman or the woman
who was raped? What is to prevent someone from finding the best looking woman in town, raping her, telling everyone about it, and then having the courts force her to be his wife for the rest of her life?According to Numbers 27:1-11, widows and sisters don't inherit at all. Daughters can inherit only if their
So what is the standpoint of the Qur'aan with regard to women? Women are indeed commanded by Allaah to
cover their heads and wear modest clothing, however, in Islaam this is not a sign of denigration or subjugation to men, rather, it is a sign of chastity, modesty, and the fear of God. It also designates this woman to all men who might deal with her that she is to be dealt with respect. This could be compared to the situation in the West when one meets a nun or priest, how the nun's habit and the priest's robes signal those who meet them that this person does not condone vulgarity of speech or evil actions. This is made apparent in the Qur'aan in Al-Ahzab:"… that is closer to their being recognized so that they shall not be abused, and Allaah is ever
What about the rights of women in Islaam?
Are they indeed, as the popular propaganda would have us
"And they (women) have rights similar to those of men over them in a just manner"
The noble Qur'aan, Al-Baqarah (2):228
"And their Lord has heard them (and He says): Verily! I suffer not the work of any worker, male or
The noble Qur'aan, A'al-Umran (3):195.
"And covet not the thing in which Allaah has made some of you excel others. Unto men a fortune from
The noble Qur'aan, Al-Nissa (4):32.
"Unto the men (of a family) belongs a share of that which parents and near kindred leave, and unto
The noble Qur'aan, Al-Nissa (4):77.
"And whoso does good works, whether of male or female, and he (or she) is a believer, such will
The noble Qur'aan, Al-Nissa (4):124.
"And the believers, men and women, are protecting friends one of another; they enjoin the right and
The noble Qur'aan, Al-Tauba (9):71
"Whosoever does right, whether male or female, and is a believer, him verily We shall quicken with
The noble Qur'aan, Al-Nahil (16):97.
"And of His signs is this: He created for you spouses from yourselves that you might find tranquillity
The noble Qur'aan, Al-Room (30):21
"Whoso does an ill deed, he will be repaid the like thereof, while whoso does right, whether male or
The noble Qur'aan, Mumin(40):40.
In the Qur'aan, both Adam and Eve share the blame for eating from the tree. This can be seen in the Qur'aan in
such verses as Al-Baqarah (2):36, Al-A'araf (7):22-24. They were also both forgiven by God Almighty for this sin. Actually, in one verse of the Qur'aan (Taha (20):121), Adam is specifically blamed.Islaam encourages spouses to take each other's council and to seek mutual agreement in matters which affect
them, for example, in the Qur'aan, Al-Bakarah (2):233 we read:"Mothers shall suckle their children for two whole years; (that is) for those who wish to complete the
Husbands are commanded to treat their wives with kindness and respect. In Al-Nissa (4)-19 we read
"..But consort with them in kindness, for if you hate them it may happen that you hate a thing
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
"The best believers are the best in conduct, and the best of you are those who are best to their
When Muhammad (pbuh) first became the prophet of Islaam, the Pagans of Arabia had inherited a similar
Through the teachings of Islaam, Muhammad (pbuh) put a swift and resounding end to this evil practice. Not
only did he severely discourage and condemn this act but he also used to teach them to respect and cherish their daughters and mothers as partners and sources of salvation for the men of their family:AbuSa'id al-Khudri narrated:
"The Prophet (pbuh) said: If anyone cares for three daughters, disciplines them, marries them( to other men), and does good by them, he will enter Paradise."
(Narrated by Abu-Dawood)
Abdullah the son of Abbas narrated:
"The Prophet (pbuh) said: If anyone has a female child, and does not bury her alive, or slight her, or
(Narrated by Abu-Dawood)
Muhammad (pbuh) is also sited in "Sahih Muslim" as saying:
"Whoever maintains two girls till they attain maturity, he and I will come on the Day of Resurrection
In other words, if one loves the messenger of Allaah and wishes to be with him on the day of resurrection in
heaven, then they should do good by their daughters.To learn more about the rights of women in Islaam, the issue of modest dress codes, the issue of polygamy,
and many other issues which can not be covered here, I highly recommend the following books:1.Women in Islaam Versus Women in the Judeo-Christian Tradition: The Myth & The Reality, By Dr.