Meegan Peebles - 11/21/00 01:26:02
Jesus was the living god. Most people don't believe that Jesus Christ was god in the flesh. Confessing this may lead to a life of persecution and endanger one's life. But, as a christian we must defend what we believe. Don't be afraid to say that jesus was the living god! If you are uncomfortable saying this, let God's word explain why you are convinced of this fact! As they say, the proof is in the pudding and the word of God supports you through many of the Bible's scriptures. Thank you for letting me state my opinion and these facts. God bless, Meegan Peebles!!!!!!!!
- 10/26/00 13:14:21
Janos Ischariot - 10/25/00 05:29:54
I find your idea of god inconclusive. I find your veiws close minded in the respect that you assume there is a god. The idea of some supernatural being "Fathering" us is a nice one, but I prefer to think I can control my own life without the help of a god
that does NOTHING. I don't need that security blanket like most of the people I saw that signed your site. I don't suppose this will mean much to you so I will leave you to your brainwashed veiws.
corey grate - 10/23/00 00:58:04
your are very good ,allah have bless your, keep up the good work
sinobu - 09/16/00 11:16:09
God is living in Japan,now. God(Allah)that The American President is swearing
with BIBLE(American Standard Version) is living in Japan, now.
Gently listen in God(Allah)`s message. And hurry up studing Japanese and
becoming Japanese. And stand the Rising-Sun(Japanese) flag.
A Satan medium said that Satan will cause Satan Plan by Jewish vice-president.
This plan shall shutdown. But The Satan Enemy are not only earthlinges
but also alienes. But God only shall have The Exact Aliene's Information.
Therefore,please study Japanese. e.g. The reptiles aliene is not only an evil man.
Shall not judge by ecology. but shall judge by morality. Christian'blemish
is a supreme human doctrine.
My name is sinobu.I am a Japanese.Japan is a Far East Country.It is made
by God.Japan is "nihon" or "yamato" in Japanese."Yamato" is "nation of
God" in Hebrew.Japanese is made by God. Japan race is made by God.
There is The Ark on The Mt.Kenzan at Tokushima. God is living in Japan
now. Do you want God's message? Because God's message is Japanese
only, you will stady Japanese. In the "LR", there is God's message. And
Israel is not a orthodox country. Japan is a orthodox Jewish country.
Japan is the root of All religion. Japan is a homeground of God. Japan is
the survival of The Mu Kingdom. "Adam and Eve" is born at The hiroshima
of Japan.
At present, Children is bred in devil environment. A made-up good that
made by devil soul prevalent. In the representation, there is the U.N. The
U.N. at N.Y. City is made by communist who killed 2 hundred millions
people. And under the U.N. there are ATOMIC BOMBes. I hear this from a
Catholic soul. He is said a trumpet. Messiah is attaked by communist
with Scalar Weapons. Therefore, harry up studing Japanese. And please
accept God's messeage. And please participate a holy war against
Please next writing.
They lift up their voices, singing for joy;
they acclaim the majesty of Yahweh from the sea.
Therefore in the islands they give glory to Yahweh,
in the islands of the sea, to the name of Yahweh, the God of Israel.
From remotest earth we hear songs, 'Honour to the upright one'.
The Jews who have been saved and the dwellers in the "islands"(the distant
now converted to Yahweh.
give glory
Text corr.: 'in the lights, give glory to' Hebr. Therefore it means ' in EAST'.
The island they give glory(light) is Japan. From ancient time Japan was said
contry that give
glory(light). Therefore In the East(light) islands of sea from remotest earth is
The same basic doctrine began in Israel with Judaism and branched out into
Christianity. The process of development here begins with the founding of the
human race by Adam and Eve and continues on through the story of Cain and
Abel story of Noah's ark the story of the Tower of Babel the story of the father
of the Jewish race Abraham and his son Isaac the story of the twelve tribes the
removal of Jacob and his eleventh son Joseph and his trib to Egypt and the
movment of the rest of the twelve tribes ti Southeast Asia and the other
nations of Asia(including Japan) and culminates in the advent of the history of
Christianity found in the story of the suffering of the descedants Jacob's tribe in
Egypt. The two buranches of the twelve tribes of Abraham[ JOB("IOB of island"
in Hebrew) and Sons of ISAIAH ] settled in Japan.
Israel's Secret Weapon?
God's message
In Recently The Heaven King Michael Message
Truth of Nanking
Photos document brutality inShanghai
The Scalar Weapones(Treachery of the Scientists)
My HP(God is living in Japan)
If Christianes(Muslimes) think about God's exist everywhere, it will happen the
worst thing.Though God exist, he is a only soul that died at the most ancient time.
But God is knowing everything about the earth that took place the past. he is the
most presbyter in the people that live in the universe.
Therefore, God's message is related with all human life.
And if communistes aggravate the situation, cosmos war will happen.
All the earth people shall be died.
Please read my HP deeply.
Israel's Secret Weapon?
The Scalar Weapones(Treachery of the Scientists)
"And he called unto him the multitude with his disciples, and said unto them,
If any man would come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross,
and follow me.
For whosoever would save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his
life for my sake and the gospel's shall save it.
For what doth it profit a man, to gain the whole world, and forfeit his life?
For what should a man give in exchange for his life?
For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and
sinful generation, the Son of man also shall be ashamed of him, when he cometh
in the glory of his Father with the holy angels. "
("The Gospel According to Saint Mark8-34,38" from ASV BIBLE)
And in Islam World, I shall point out blemishes.
(1),"LOVE"that Jesus Christ advocate is not enoughD
(2),A monogamy doesn't prize.
(3),You have a wrong conception that a holy war means
It means combating genuinely under the God.
(4),It is not enough important to study modern technology.
contact us
In U.S.A
HORKOM International Corp.
P.O.Box 282713
San Francisco, California 94128-2713
In Japan
Name: Love Righteous Publishing Co.,Ltd
Adress: Matutou1-4-9 sanneru Bill 101, Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
Zip: 150-0046
Phone: 03-5453-1870
Rasheedah Abdullah-Murray - 08/27/00 02:00:43
praise be to allah for site like this
Darryl Edwin Mays - 05/10/00 22:28:25
Hello! My name is Darryl Edwin Mays here from Los Angeles, California, and, I really, really love this most magnificent, wonderful, and, very excellent homepage of yours found here on the Internet!!
This is without a doubt, the most coolest homepage found anywhere here on the Internet!!
Please put me on your Mailing List!
Please also, come check out all my really awesome links found on my homepage! (You will love them all)!
Sincerely Your Friend,
Darryl Edwin Mays
Jon - 03/16/00 20:10:47
You have no proof to this theory. How is it that there were documented sightings of "our creator" as you say it, many years ago and now there are none. Does that make any sence to you? of course not because your a stuborn follower who thinks what was told
to them. If there was a god why doesn't any one see Him/her? also if god created us, then who created god? If you have any answers to this or reasoning please email me.
mike casey - 03/14/00 08:35:08
Mohamed Saeed - 01/02/00 17:42:45
My URL:/mo7amed_s/
Ma shaa Allah, you have an excellent homepage. I've never seen so much information about islam in one place alone :o), i just can't get enough of it. Would it be ok if i link your homepage to mine? please e-mail me with your answer, thank you.
I am very sorry, and I have nothing against you personally, but A God named Jesus Christ does truly live in my heart, and you can have him too if you only ask..God loves you even though you betray Him and do not believe in Him, He continues to love you an
weep because you are not going to live in His kingdom for all of eternity. Yet you go along with all of these philosophies of how the world came to be and how everything is and was and always will be, the one thing i'm going to leave you with is this: Go
is the one and only thing that will never change, He will love you NO MATTER WHAT! It doesn't matter what you've done, you can always come back to Him, and with Him your life is billions of times better than it ever could be without!!! Until you die that
is..if you do not take a hold of what Christ has to offer now, you may never have a chance, the only thing we have is today, after that its a world of what-if's and maybe's, do you really want to worship something that is a maybe? Ok I will leave you alon
now, I just wanted to put that thought in your head!!
Love In Christ,
Stephanie (15 yrs. old)
Lore - 10/30/99 09:35:19
Wow! I'm quite impressed by your site. It is clear you put a lot of work into it. I am also happy to have had my misconceptions about Islaam corrected. I too am a former Christian. I am now a student of comparative religion.
- 10/18/99 16:45:24
My beloved friend ..there is NO other name which is given to men in which you can be saved by ..ONLY JESUS SAVES.
Right now ..I REBUKE all demonic spirits from all who read this may the Holy Spirit reveal to you the TRUE name of GOD which is Christ in Jesus name
Please visit our web page so that you may KNOW the TRUE GOD and Eternal sure that your name is written in the Lambs Book of Life ..ask Jesus into your heart TODAY..for tomorrow may be to late . Be Blessed in Jesus name .
Kareem Karachiwala - 09/17/99 23:06:23
I see that you are very knowledgeable about Islam and I must say that I am very impressed. I just wanted to know what you know about Shia Islam. I understand that you have spoken with an Ismaili, have you talked to a Imamia? Have you ever read Nahjul B
lagha by Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (A.S.)? It is a collection of his sermons, letters and sayings. There is a hadith from Sahih Bukhari that quotes Muhammad (A.S.) as saying " I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate, anyone who seeks knowledge shoul
come to the gate." You really should look into it, it could very well change your life.
Assalaam Alaikum
- 07/12/99 22:24:08
MashaAllah, I was moved so much by reading your description of "why you became a Muslim". My mother went through the same things in the 60's/70's, and my Father also - and I was born Muslim. All I can say is Alhamdulillah wa Shukrulillah. May I please inc
ude those paragraphs on my website at:
I would be honored to have it on my site, accompanied by a link to your site. Thank you, and Baarak Allah Feeky, Ma'salaama.