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Date :   oct 29 2008
Name :   glenda Jowell
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Comment: :   James Campbell Jowell Family (Malcolm Baxter) isnt correct it is Mallie Baxter. We have emailed a number of sites to correct this. My oldest son is named after his Greatgrandfather. Mallies father is Larry,his father was William B. & his father was Mallie
Date :   10-25-08
Name :   sharon allison
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Comment: :   Just checking out your site trying to find more relatives. If any of these name come up in your tree please let me know. Maben Andrew Jackson Norwood 1837-1912 Asenath E Norwood 1843-1888 Charles Norris Norwood 1883-1960 Ira Louzetta Freeman Norwood 1
Date :   14 Oct 2008
Name :   Susan Smith
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Comment: :   MyyGrandson NIcholas Vincent, has Norwoods in his line from Ms to Tx..buried in Denton Tx. Gathering info for him,while i can.
Date :   10-11-08
Name :   charles norwood
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Comment: :   really a great research tool for norwood family. thanks marlene. charles.
Date :   Sept 15, 2008
Name :   Hubert D. Harris
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Comment: :   I just recently started trying to trace my family tree. I found your website while doing some name searches on my Great-Grandfather Lacy Arvil Norwood, With the aid of your site I have been able to go back 5 Generations so far. This is a great site and I
Date :   9 Spt 2008
Name :   Joy
Email address :   joy 1982 at
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Comment: :   Absolutely love your work. You have been a huge help in building my friends Norwood ancestry. Has anyone figured out who Dicia b. 1782 was? Mother of Laban W. b. 22 Dec 1812 and d. 9 Nov 1865 and m. Susan Williamson?
Date :   28 August 2008
Name :   Sonja
Email address :   Wolfmom45
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Comment: :   Id like to add that the parents of William Norwoods wife, William Lygon and Eleanor Dennis, are direct ancestors of my grandfather Charlie Moses Steed. So I am linked to the Norwoods through both the Steed and Moores families.
Date :   28 August 2008
Name :   Sonja
Email address :   Wolfmom45
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Comment: :   My maternal third-great-grandfather is Learner Black Moores. One of his daughters, my 2nd great-grandmother married Fielding Irvin of Bluff City, Arkansas. Their son Joseph Lonner Irvin (named after his grandfather Learner Black Moores -- the family prono
Date :   19 Aug 2008
Name :   E. Layton Patterson
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Comment: :   I am looking for information on the Mary F. Jowell line. She was married to Lewis Payne. Please contact me if you have any info. Layton Patterson
Date :   July 26, 2008
Name :   Karen Chatham
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Comment: :   Thank you for all your research on this site. I am searching out the W.W. Long family. He is buried in the Rendon cemetery along with my great grand parents, Chester and Elizebeth Dyson. William W. Long is Alices father, and her mother was Elizabeth L
Date :   7/17/08
Name :   Theresina
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Comment: :   I am researching the descendants of Robert Cole who shows lines to Norwood (de Northwode).
Date :   5/24/08
Name :   Dick Norwood
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Comment: :   Hi Marlene. Im finally researching the southern Norwoods, and got a lot of insights from your site. I am focusing on the families in Old 96 District of SC-Abbeville, Edgefield, Laurens, and Greenwood. I didnt realize until I got into this that there were
Date :   April 12 2008
Name :   Debra Miles
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Comment: :   My husbands mother was a daughter of Bruce S Davis and Lila Brooks. Your Family Tree on has been a great help. Thank You
Date :   03/15/08
Name :   Sharon Srygley Herndon
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Comment: :   Newton Alfonse Srygley was my grandfather. I just wanted to say hello & your website is great.
Date :   Dec 13, 2007
Name :   Linda Jones
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Comment: :   Trying to trace back Judith Smith Cottrell.....her, 1715 to 1753.....Jacob Smith.....c1687, Obediah Smith, c 1653 to John Smith c 1637, died 1692 Henrico Co., VA. Out of curiousity, were the Smiths Huguenots? or the Cottrells? or Mary Cocke......Wm Cocke,
Date :   10-6-07
Name :   Jim Norwood
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Comment: :   Marlene, I visit your site from time to time over the years. Great work. I am a decendant of Gilliam Norwood who died in Chatham Co. NC 1807. My father was Haywood Norwood, his father was Nathaniel Gilliam Norwood, his father Stephen Gilliam Norwood, his
Date :   09/16/2007
Name :   Lori
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Comment: :   Hi there! Im anxious to look around your site but thought Id sign in first. I am from a Bolt line that I believe may connect into your White/Hand line. Id love more info!
Date :   19/06/2007
Name :   Mirac YAZICI
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Comment: :   Hi Marlene, I saw your page when surfing, best wishes from Turkey..
Date :   6/4/07
Name :   Ellenita Caskey Mills
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Comment: :   Thank you for the information on your website. I descend through Elizabeth Ann Norwood and Samuel Thompson. Their daughter Penninah (sp)married William Wiley Caskey.
Date :   May 25, 2007
Name :   Tonya Oliver
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Comment: :   Hello my boyfriend Kevin Pickard is related your Haislip family. I am looking up his family tree for him and I came a cross your home page. Kevins Aunt Irene Jones married Clarence Haislip. Clarences father was Fred Haislip and his father was Josiah Sherm
Date :   051607
Name :   Caryn Simpson Buchhorn
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Comment: :   Enjoyed your site. Researching the family of William Myhill Smith b.1812 in York, SC. Married Clarissa Jane Robinson-moved to Jackson County GA. Known as Cotton Billy Smith Is he the son of Myhill Smith and Judith? Myhill Smith is the son of Josiah Smith.
Date :   01.25.2007
Name :   Don Timmerberg
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Comment: :   I am researching Hill, Smith, Collier, Peirsey. We may have exchanged data before?
Date :   November 18,2006
Name :   Janie Deere
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Comment: :   I have looked for years for the parents of Nancy L. Norwood (b.1831, AL). She married William J. Sharp on Jan.1,1851 in Jefferson Co,. AL. They are on the 1860 Ind. Co. AR census with Mary (7,AL) & John (9/12,AR). Nancy died on Nov.19,1862 from poss. comp
Date :   November 18,2006
Name :   Janie Deere
Email address :
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Comment: :   Great to find this site. Help! Anyone! I have been searching for years for parents of Nancy L. Norwood(b.about1831 AL). Nancy married William J.Sharp on January 1,1851 in Jefferson Co.Al. They had one daughter,Mary Elizabeth(b1851 AL) Nancy and William mo
Date :   10-27-06
Name :   Connie Gail Deaton
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Comment: :   John Boone Norwood of Conway county Arkansas was my grandfather.
Date :   10/25/2006
Name :   Kathy Hayes
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Comment: :   Hi Im a Nix Decendant of Austin Nix and Lucinda Walls your Wm Austin B Nix was a nephew of my Austin Nix.eeking info on William Jasper Nix wife Margie P Henderson Winston Co Ala. Thanks
Date :   20 Oct. 2006
Name :   Jan Porterfield
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Comment: :   Im looking for information about Jones Brewer and Sarah Norwood Brewer, daughter of William and Ruth. Im a volunteer for the Cleburne County Historical Society, Heber Springs, AR.
Date :   30 Sep 2006
Name :   Charles E. Beazley
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Comment: :   Sarah Katherine Norwood married James Monroe Evans. I can fill in the Evans family to 1990s.
Date :   09/08/2006
Name :   Loyce Mejias(Blount/Norwood)
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Comment: :   thanks for every thing. I have a web site at and if I had your email address i would send you an invitation to see it.
Date :   9/1/2006
Name :   M. Mayfield
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Comment: :   You have done a wonderful job on the Norwood Family. Thank you for all of your hard husbands family is a descenant of the Norwoods. I have traced them to TX.Catherine Norwood married a Ware and also another well established family. M.Mayfield
Date :   30 Aug 2006
Name :   Mildred HENLEY COUCH
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Comment: :   I am a direct distant grand daughter of William the Emigrant. If all is true I have is I am a descendant from John Wall Norwood and 2nd wife Leah Lenoir Whitaker through son Thomas and Jane Coleson. This I know for sure I am from WILLIAM COLESON NORWOOD.
Date :   8/28/06
Name :   Shirley
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Comment: :   Congratulations on your hard work of setting this website up on the Norwoods. I am researching them as my great grandfather was Daniel Boone Norwood, grandfather was James (Jim) Boone Norwood, and mother Fannie Marvelle Norwood married to John Taft Hensle
Date :   27 August 2006
Name :   Kimberly Graff
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Comment: :   Marlene, Thank you for your web site and information about My Great-great Grandfather Prior P. Davis. Your site was the first I have found that had any record of him. I am a descendant through his second wife Flora Patterson, and their second son, Zachar
Date :   8/14/1906
Name :   Neil Norwoof
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Comment: :   My Aunt was Effie Norwood Jone who did research on the Norwood family from 1926 until the early 1960s. I have some of her data scanned into my computer and am willing to share any info that I have. Would be very interested in contacting researching the No
Date :   August 12,2006
Name :   Elise Norwood Semrad
Email address :
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Comment: :   Just received your website from a cousin and I can see I will be here for quite a while. Thanks for such a well organized and well done site
Date :   8/9/06
Name :   Neil Norwood
Email address :
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Comment: :   Enjoyed your site very much. I have been working on my line for about 10 years now. My Aunt was Effie Norwood who did a lot of work in the 30s thru the 50s We have some of her papers. Thats how we got started
Date :   3 Aug 2006
Name :   Mildred Couch
Email address :
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Comment: :   Just wondering if anyone has ever mentioned the name of William Coleson Norwood to you? He is the son of Thomas Norwood and Jane Coleson. He is my g-g-grandfather on both my mom and dad side. He is my greatgrand mothers dad on moms side of the family and
Date :   7/15/06
Name :   Elizabeth Anderson
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Comment: :   Great webpage! I am a descendent of Vines Collier and also have Stephens in my heritage. I would be interested in anyone has more information on these families.
Date :   06-25-2006
Name :   jasen norwood
Email address :
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Comment: :   hey nice site maybe we are kin w.c. norwood was my great-grandfather- jerome norwood is my grandfather
Date :   6 jun 2006
Name :   Billy Richardson
Email address :   billyrip11@aol
Your web site address (URL :   
Comment: :   Was working on my wifes tree, she has some Norwoods. Her madien name was Glover--from Minor Hill. Enjoyed your site, tks. Billy
Date :   May 27, 2006
Name :   Jade Wolfe
Email address :
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Comment: :   I have been trying to find my grandmother, her name is Janet Norwood. I wish I could find out more about here , but my father does not remimber much about her. She left when he was young. Although we found out she has a new family some where here in flori
Date :   May 25, 2006
Name :   Patty Parks
Email address :
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Comment: :   Thanks, Marlene. Youve done a great job. Of course it will take years to read all of this! I look forward to visiting with new cousins as I read through your guestbook. I am the granddaughter of Dorsey W. Norwood and Ethel McNeely.
Date :   may 21, 2005
Name :   larry henderson
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Comment: :   73 yr old grandson of Amanda Josie Garfield Norwood Henderson.
Date :   05-01-06
Name :   shawn norwood
Email address :
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Comment: :   Hello! Great site I really found alot of information,cant wait to research more.My lines go back to William,I have pics of my gggg grandfather William Billy Norwood and son E.T Edmund Thomas and wife Eliza Tabatha Learwood along with various other pics my
Date :   04-13-06
Name :   twila newton marler
Email address :
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Comment: :   I am the great granddaughter of MARY ANN NORWOOD and John Thurman walker. my mother was monterrey walker daughter of william walker and pinkey billingsley of olustee, ok. Great site
Date :   4/7/2006
Name :   Alicia Waldo
Email address :
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Comment: :   I am a decendant of John and Margaret Brown
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