updated 6/1/2006, created by Rhonda Michael

In Memory of Kathy Mousie Hall Flamand
Mousie lost her life on April 5, 2006. Funeral Mass was April 8, 2006 at the Little Flower Parish, Browning, MT. Interment at Willow Creek Cemetery.

In Memory of Lillian Joyce Hibbs
Joyce lost her life on February 6, 2006. Funeral Mass was February 11, 2006 at the 1st Presbyterian Church in Cut Bank, MT.

In Memory of Jerry Matt
Jerry Matt lost his life to a long battle with cancer on September 20,2005. Funeral Mass was September 23, 2005 at the Little Flower Church, Browning, MT. Interment at Willow Creek Cemetery.

In Memory of Mickey Running Fisher
Mickey Running Fisher lost his life to cancer on August 12, 2005. Funeral Mass was August 17, 2005 at the Little Flower Church, Browning, MT. Interment at Willow Creek Cemetery.

In Memory of Rita Hall Spotted Eagle
Rita lost her life to cancer on November 14, 2004. Funeral Mass was November 20, 2004 at LDS Church, Cut Bank, MT. Interment at Hall Family Cemetery.

In Memory of Frederick DeRoche.
Fred lost his life to cancer on October 14, 2004. Funeral Mass was October 18, 2004 at St. Anne Church, Heart Butte, MT. Interment at Heart Butte Cemetery, Heart Butte, MT.

In Memory of Clarence "Bimbo" Hirst, Jr.
Bimbo lost his life to cancer on October 14, 2004. Funeral Services was October 18, 2004 at Heart Butte, MT. Cremation took place following services.

In Memory of Marlene Spotted Eagle Whipple.
Marlene lost her life to cancer on October 7, 2004. Funeral Services was October 11, 2004. Interment at the Whipple Family Ranch, Rosebud, SD.

In Memory of Patrick "Barney" Augare.
Barney lost his life in November 8, 2003. Barney was a young man just getting started with life.

In Memory of Roy Johnson.
Roy Johnson lost his life in December 14, 2003. Roy had battled cancer and won and then died in a car accident.

List of School Employees, Blackfeet Agency, Montana-1895


W.H. Matson age 48, Superintendent, Montana $1,200 per annum.
Horace J. Johnson age 24, Teacher, Montana $840 per annum.
M.C. Matson age 43, Teacher, Montana $720 per annum.
J. Alfred Moll age 23, Teacher, Montana $600 per annum.
Alice V. Lowe, age 31, Matron, Montana $600 per annum.
Helen M. Pool, age 44, Ass't Matron, Montana $500 per annum.
C. M. Bell, age 48, Ind'str'l Teacher, Montana $720 per annum.
Ida Curtiss, age 32, Seamstress, Montana $480 per annum.
Zanna Olive Groves, age 25, Laundress, Montana $480 per annum.
Nancy J. Long, age 47, Cook, Montana $480 per annum.
Mary Bross, age 32, Ass't Cook, Montana $360 per annum.


Jennie Johnson age 39, Ass't Ld'rs, Montana, $180 per annum.
George Walters age 18, Night Watch, Montana, $300 per annum.



Name.Age.Position.Residence, Compensation.

George Steell, 58, agent, Montana, $1,800 per annum.
T.J. Hefling, 24, Clerk, Washington, $1,200. per annum.
George S. Martin, 27, Physician, Missouri, $1,200. per annum.
Irvin B. Peters, 47, Farmer, Montana, $900. per annum.
Martin Hawkins, 29, Blacksmith, Minnesota, $900. per annum.
Silas E. Crandall, 61, Carpenter, Minnesota, $900. per annum.
J.A. Clarke, 36, Ass't Farmer, Montana, $720. per annum.
Ross Cartee, 34, Civil Engineer, Montana, $2,000. per annum.
Charles Aubrey, 45, Ass't Farmer, Montana, $720. per annum.
E. H. Parsons, 23, Issue Clerk, New York, $900. per annum.
James B. Noble, 46, Carpenter, Wisconsin, $900. per annum.


Charles Simon, 37, Interpreter, Montana, $240. per annum.
Joseph Trombley, 36, Butcher, Montana, $480. per annum.
Frank Vielle, 25, Herder, Montana, $480. per annum.
John Vielle, 28, Ass't Farmer, Montana, $50 per monthly
Charles Rose, 33, Ass't Farmer, Montana, $50. per monthly
Black Sarcee, 33, Laborer, Montana, $240. per annum.
Cleared Up, 22, Laborer, Montana, $240. per annum.
Tom Little Bear, 35, Laborer, Montana, $240. per annum.
Joe Spanish, 22, Laborer, Montana, $240. per annum.
John Croff, 22, Laborer, Montana, $240. per annum.
Stephen Henault, 18, Apprentice, Montana, $150. per annum.


David Little Dog, 36, Judge, Montana, $10. per month
Stephen Bull Shoe, 48, Judge, Montana, $10. per month
Robert White Grass, 59, Judge, Montana, $10. per month


Peter Champine, 26, Captain, Montana, $15. per month
John Middlecalf, 38, Lieutenant, Montana, $15. per month
Miles Four Horns, 37, Sergeant, Montana, $10. per month
Joseph Bearspaw, 40, Private, Montana, $10. per month
Samuel Big Spring, 30, Private, Montana, $10. per month
Louis Champine, 30, Private, Montana, $10. per month
Daniel Duckhead, 28, Private, Montana, $10. per month
Longtime Sleeping, 28, Private, Montana, $10. per month
Medicine Owl, 29, Private, Montana, $10. per month
James Night Gun, 28, Private, Montana, $10. per month
Simon Scabbyrobe, 30, Private, Montana, $10. per month
Henry Heavyrunner, 38, Private, Montana, $10. per month
Jim No Chief, 24, Private, Montana, $10. per month
Round Man, 33, Private, Montana, $10. per month
Under Bull, 33, Private, Montana, $10. per month
Frank Bostwick, 34, Private, Montana, $10. per month
Weasel Head, 30, Private, Montana, $10. per month
Big Wolf, 29, Private, Montana, $10. per month

St. Peters Mission

Location: 16 miles west of Cascade, MT on the Mullan Road mid-way between the Dearborn and Sun Rivers.

St. Peters Mission was established in 1884. On November 10, 1884, Mother Amadeau opened the Girls Boarding School. The first children were: Martha and Anna Brown, Mary Lewis. The Girls Indian School opened on March 7, 1885. The first children were: Kaminiki, Rose Couquette, Jospehine Langlois, Mona Tokomiski, Susie Russell.

Other Indian Girls who attended St. Peters Mission (this list is no where complete): Lizzie Big Eyes, Ursula Cut Bank, Josephine Weatherwax, Mary Jane Hazlett, Anne Howard, Anne Brown, Mary Lahiche, Nancy Burd, Emmia Croft, Isabel Bear Chief. Francina Sleeping Bear, Susie Lard, Maggie Rose, Cecile Russell, and Hannah Annie Evans (my great-grandmother).

White Girls who attended St. Peters Mission: Mollie Lewis, Martha & Annie Brown, Julie Wiegand, Louise and Millie Ford, Alice, Rose and Laura Aubrey, Agnes and Babe Moran, Clara Davis, Louisa Miller, Katie Hines, Mary Reed, Katie Pambrun, Mamie Furman, Sadie Smith, Marguerite Connelly, Anna Quigley, Lily Conrad, Alice Burd, Miss Curran, R. Ferris, Katie Tully, Mary and Rose Furman, Anna and Susan Kennelly, Flora Bergeron, Mary Lenihan, Etta and Clara Shanks, Edith and Adele Moore, Lizzie Tully, Mary Juneau, Jeannie Price, Katie Mahoney, Gracie Chene, Lida Ousley, Dora Keiley, Nellie Rand, Katie and Agnes Finnegan, Miss Clark, Alice Rand, Frankie Porter, R. and F. Schaeffer and Maud Allis, Lorena Young, Elizabeth Rowles.

My Great Grand Mother Hannah "Annie" Evans was placed in the St. Peters Mission at a very young age, along with her brother Joe Evans. She was a half-breed Blackfeet, her mother was Strikes By Mistake or Annie Badoldman (in later years) and her father was Hiram Evans. Hannah stayed at St. Peters Mission until 1895 when she left with two of her friends and their parents Polite and Jessie Whiteman Pepion. The Pepion Family and Hannah returned to the Blackfeet Reservation, the first time Hannah had been away from the Mission.

St. Peters Mission closed on November 12, 1918 due to fire destoying the buildings.

Many Indian children from most of the reservations went to school here from 1884-1918.

Primary Source:

McBride, Sister Genevieve O.S.U., The Bird Tail, 1974 The Bird Tail, author Sister Genevieve McBride, O.S.U.

Holy Family Mission

Location: 14 miles south of Browning, MT on the Two Medicine River, the Blackfeet Reservation.

Holy Family Mission was build with the help of the Sister Katherine Drexel of Philadelphia, with the intention that it was to be an industrial school for full blood Indian children. The Mission was established in 1889 and was open for almost 50 years, closing in 1938. Children from all over the reservation attended school here, some of the Holy Family Mission Children Census are listed from 1900-1910.

The Holy Family Cemetery is located east of the Mission site. Some of the early fur traders are buried there: Hugh Monroe, James Bird, Charles Chouquette, Charles Rivois, Louis Rivet or Reevis. Others buried there: Hannah Evans Whiteman, Adam Whiteman, John Hall, Alvin Hall, Alfred Lunak, Chewing-Blackbones, Agnes Chewing-Blackbones Mad Plume, Debbie Hall, Robert Hall, Merlin Hall, Jr.

Notes from Father Prando on Birch Creek, 1895

Whitemen with Indian Family

1. Abe McKnight

2. Frank Davis

3. James Rutherford

4. Hill

5. Spike

6. George Magee

7. Frank Pias

8. Charly Thomas

9. J.H. Kittson

10. Raphel Morgan

11. Thomas Williamson (buried at Robare Cemetery)

12. Nicholas

13. Johnny Hall (buried at Heart Butte Cemetery)

14. Morman Chris Albertson

15. Mayers

16. Billy Edwards

17. Blaving (father in law of Morgan)

18. Jack Ripley (buried at Robare Cemetery)

Blackfeet Indian Reservation

Location: Montana, east slope of the Rocky Mountains, bordering Canada on the North side, Glacier National Park on the west side.

The Reservation is over 1,000,000 acres and the home to the Blackfeet Indians. The enrolled Blackfeet is over 15,000 people, about half of the enrolled member live on the reservation. The other half live all over the United States. The Blackfeet Tribal Business Council is the elected governing body. Current and Past Council. The reservation has four towns Browning, Heart Butte, Babb and East Glacier, also two communities of Starr School and Blackfoot. There are two counties Glacier and Pondera.

Robare, Montana

Location: Robare was located on the south end of the Blackfeet Reservation on the south side of Birch Creek.

The town was named after Henry Robert (pronounced Robare) in 1870's until 1900. The town had saloons, hotel, blacksmith shop and a general store. The town site still existed until the flood of 1964, which took any existing buildings or foundations. The only thing still there is theRobare Cemetery.

Carlisle Indian School from 1879-1918, numerous Blackfeet children attended this school. Click on the link for 188 Blackfeet children names. Carlisle School

1870 Census of Blackfeet Indians

Blackfeet Chiefs:

Many Swans
Name of Band: Bad ?
lodges: 36 souls: 462 warriors: 108

The Sun
Name of Band: The Biters
lodges: 27 souls: 324 warriors: 81

The Dog Knee ?
lodges: 21 souls: 252 warriors: 63

The Many Collar
Name of Band: The Many Provision bag
lodges: 20 souls: 240 warriors: 60

The Bull Collar
Name of Band: The Liars
lodges: 35 souls: 420 warriors: 105

The Eagle
Name of Band: The Big Provision Bags
The Sitting Sun
Name of Band: The Naked
lodges: 26 souls: 312 warriors: 78

The Sitting Medicine
Name of Band: The Skunks
lodges: 24 souls: 288 warriors: 72

The Calf Seen
lodges: 19 souls: 228 warriors: 27

Blood Chiefs:
(now living in Southern Alberta, Canada)

Eagle Tail Raised
Name of Band: The A? or Nu-oy-ex
lodges: 26 souls: 312 warriors: 78

Rainy Chief
Name of Band: The Buffalo Coat
lodges: 29 souls: 348 warriors: 94

Calf Coat
Name of Band: The Quarrelers or Neta-trex-kax
lodges: 24 souls: 288 warriors: 76

Medicine Calf
Name of Band: The Many ? or Aka-kar-max
lodges: 28 souls: 336 warriors: 84

The Big Feathers
Name of Band: The Small Fox
lodges: 14 souls: 168 warriors: 42

The Lake
Name of Band: The White Deer
lodges: 18 souls: 216 warriors: 84

Many Spotted Horses
Name of Band: The Fat Horses
lodges: 23 souls: 246 warriors: 69

Bull Back Fat
Name of Band: Fmi-po-ax
lodges: 28 souls: 336 warriors: 84

Black Bear
Name of Band: The Fish Catero
lodges: 22 souls: 264 warriors: 66

Southern Piegan
(now living in Montana, on the Blackfeet Reservation)

Chief Mountain
Name of Band: The Bloody or A-afry-tapi
lodges: 30 souls: 360 warriors: 96

Cut Hand
Name of Band: Little that don't laugh or Eno-kata-meu
lodges: 36 souls: 432 warriors: 127

Big Lake
Name of Band: Big that don't laugh or Omak-kata-meu
lodges: 34 souls: 408 warriors: 102

Rising Head
Name of Band: The Medicine Day
lodges: 27 souls: 252 warriors: 63

The Crow Woman
Name of Band: The Bear or orpox-simex
lodges: 32 souls: 384 warriors: 96

The Iron Coat
Name of Band: The Quarrelers
lodges: 15 souls: 180 warriors: 45

The Crooked Sitting
Name of Band: The Buffalo doing?
lodges: 20 souls: 240 warriors: 60

Pole Chief
Name of Band: Little Robe
lodges: 13 souls: 156 warriors: 37

Many Horses
Name of Band: No Provision Bag
lodges: 14 souls: 168 warriors: 42

Child Calf
Name of Band: The Skunks
lodges: 17 souls: 204 warriors: 51

Name of Band: The Bone
lodges: 10 souls: 120 warriors: 30

The Mosquitoes
Name of Band: The Bone Collar
lodges: 12 souls: 144 warriors: 36

The Under Bull
Name of Band: The Insects
lodges: 16 souls: 192 warriors: 48

Northern Piegan
(Now lives in Southern Alberta, Canada)

One That Sees Before
Name of Band: The Strangulated
lodges: 32 souls: 384 warriors: 96

The Northern Chief
Name of Band: The People of the Lake
lodges: 28 souls: 388 warriors: 84


Blackfeet (Sik-sa-ka
lodges: 226 souls: 2712 warriors: 678

lodges: 212 souls: 2544 warriors: 636

Piegans Southern
lodges: 270 souls: 3240 warriors: 808

Piegans Northern
lodges: 60 souls: 420 warriors: 180

Total: 9216 souls

Reported by: A. Sully, Supt of Indians in Montana, 1870

1964 Flood Victims

Birch Creek

On June 8, 1964, Swift Dam burst and a wall of water swept the entire contents of the valley before it. As the wall of water headed down the Birch Creek, everything in its path was wiped out. All the ranches, people, cattle and horses were consumed in the water. Many people lost their lives, the list that follows are the ones that were taken victim by the flood.

Dorothy Hall, age 33 (Mother of the children listed below)
Thomas Hall III, age 12
Margerie Hall, age 10
Kathryn Kay Hall, age 7
Martha Hall, age 6
Marlin Hall, age 4
Edward Hall, age 2
Jody Hall, age 1
The Hall children are buried at Heart Butte Cemetery. Dorothy Hall's body has not been found.

Jerry Wayne Thomas, age 3 (1st cousin to the Hall children, he is buried in Conrad, MT)

Gilbert England, age 43 (Brother-in-law to Dorothy Hall, his body was never found)
Linda Arnoux, age 16 (She was staying with the Hall Family)
Sam New Breast, age 35 (wife and daughter listed below)
Mrs. Ethel New Breast (wife to Sam)
Patricia New Breast (daughter to Sam and Ethel)
Earest Lauffen, age 58
Ralph Oberlack, age 65
Joe Hameline, age 52
Bean Theakson, age 45

The Blackfeet Reservation had all the creeks and rivers flooding in June of 1964, on the morning of June 8th the reservation had flood waters taken out the bridges and roads, people were stranded, homes were destoyed and for many months to come the destruction from the waters loomed.

Babb/St. Mary Flood Victims

Ivan Williams
Stanford Creighton

Two Medicine Valley Flood Victims

Rose Grant, age 84 (Great Grandma)
Elaine Guardipee, age 4 (sister to Keith, Alvin & Terry)
Keith Guardipee, age 2 (brother to Elaine, Alvin & Terry)
Alvin Guardipee, age 3 (brother to Elaine, Keith & Terry)
Terry Lee Guardipee, age 2mths (brother to Elaine, Keith & Alvin)
Rolanda Rose Grant, age 3 (sister to Robbie)
Robbie Grant, Jr, age 5 (brother to Rolanda)
Galela Lyee Cobell, age 14 (cousin to Guardipee children and aunt to Grant children)
The individuals listed above are all buried at Holy Family Cemetery.

Lorraine Long Time Sleeping, age 5

Fort Benton MT History(A good site for people of the Blackfeet Reservation)

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