That was then, this is now!
Troy (aka: "mAdD hAtTeR") is 18 years old. He is a dreamer and has an exceptional sense of humor. Troy has an imagination that is unequaled by most! He is a story writer and fantasy creator on a par with some of the most famous authors. Troy is 6 ft. tall, weighs 155 lbs, has straight dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. His Native American heritage is very evident in his skin coloring. Although it's hard to tell in the picture, Troy has huge eyes. When he was little, we teased him by telling him they came from a cow! He is currently working for the county. He has a strong love for reading and writing. Troy is currently single Visit his homepage by clicking on the "electricity" icon, and tell him about yourself. Maybe you'll turn up in one of his stories! Click on the "next" button to meet Zero.