Comments: Hi Bev, thanks for stopping by . You have a great page going and looks like a great life to. Working with alzheimer’s victims you must be a special person. I’m old enough to be due for that next. Just Kidding !, I think? Don Merrill - 06/09/98 14:53:38 My URL:/southbeach/breakers/5719 My Email:merrydon@geocities.comGender: male Age: old Location: Port Orange Florida Interests: You know
Comments: Hi Bev - Thank you for visiting my home page and signing my guest book. Yes I wish I did know you 6 months ago.:-) I enjoyed my visit to your home pages - Don Elaine Brock - 06/08/98 05:26:53 My URL: My Email:elaine_brock@yahoo.comGender: Female Age: 28 Location: Kentucky Interests: Everything
Comments: I really like your page, I have just started one of my own but it still needs a lot of work, please feel free to visit and give me any ideas you may have. Maurine Shepard - 06/07/98 15:46:15 My URL: My Email:you have itGender: 100% female Location: Seattle area Interests: family
Comments: You have so much talent,please send some my way. Love being able to come see you and the boys. You have taught me a lot about this here machine. Loe ya. Ma amy - 06/04/98 22:58:26 My Email:amylee97@hotmail.comGender: nunya Age: myob Location: somewhere Interests: nope, aint got any
Comments: uh, hi it's me...nice's a little scary (mikey's picture) but I like it. ya'll write to me eh? love ya! amy lee Jessemyn Burns - 05/31/98 21:12:33 My URL: My Email:jsburns@fuse.netGender: Female Age: 44 Location: Hamilton, Ohio Interests: Creating Web pages, writing poetry, publishing newsletters, Christina music
Comments: Hi Bev! I sent you an e-mail. If you get the chance, come and visit me sometime. Me - 05/30/98 21:53:47
Comments: Hey there Melissa Barnes - 05/27/98 03:43:07 My URL:http://geocities/Heartland/Flats/9927/index.html My Email:MeliB@Hillsboro.netGender: Woman Age: 33 Location: Hillsboro, Tx. Interests: Fishing, kids, college
Comments: Very nice page! Love your graphics. Great to meet another Texan! Melissa - 05/26/98 20:03:12 My My Email:MeliB@Hillsboro.netGender: female Age: 32 Location: Lake Whitney Interests: reading,computers & fun
Comments: Thanks for visiting our page, and signing our guestbook. The boys are very handsome. We live on lake Whitney right here in the great state of Texas. Your site is looking good. Deborah - 05/22/98 01:22:08 My Email:JBland@Majik-Net.ComGender: Female Age: A little over 30 Location: Rockdale Interests: surfing the net
Comments: Very sweet website. Sounds like your sons are special. Betsy - 05/10/98 16:15:23 My URL: My Email:wvgal@citynet.netGender: gal Age: 39 Location: West "BY GAWD" Virginia Interests: 'puters, crafts, gardenin'
Comments: You've got a GREAT start on your site! Keep up the good work ya ole hillbilly you, and I'll be peekin' in on ya now and then! Happy Mamma's Day! Shannon - 04/30/98 00:07:11 My Email:randall@hot1.netLocation: Rockdale
Comments: Bev, give yourself a break I think it looks great! I am going to use that tip you gave me and get your music..hahahaha-shannon PAM - 04/29/98 01:00:44 My Email:PAMP@MAJIK-NET.COMGender: FEMALE, OF COURSE Age: 19 + Location: BLACKJACK Interests: MONEY
Comments: VERY GOOD. I'M IMPRESSED!!!! Garp - 04/26/98 15:56:03 My Email:soplanit@euronet.nlGender: Male Age: 43 Location: Europe Interests: Lots
Comments: Nice homapage you have ! i_will_kick_your_mass (Lisa) - 04/25/98 18:55:20 My Email:toyvwbug@hotmail.comGender: female
Comments: To Nomed (troy), With ALL MY LOVE U SEXY THING i_will_kick_your_mass (LOL I told u i would) Ps:watch out there is a spider by your ear!! AH Mike - 04/25/98 00:12:07 Gender: Male Age: 21 Location: Texas Interests: Fun