Hello my name is Tinky Winky
Hello my name is Dipsy
Hello my name is Laa Laa
Hello my name is Po
this is Noo Noo

Click on the picture below
to see more cute pictures

This homepage is made by the mother from Levi. Because
he loves to watch the teletubbies on the TV. But we live in The Netherlands there are no
teletubbies on TV. So he watches every day on the BBC, the TELETUBBIES. But in
september'98 he can see the teletubbies on the TV at The Netherlands. Levi is a boy, and
is 3 years old and we just have made a teletubbies-sleepingroom for him with a lot of
colors and fun stuff about the teletubbies. You can see the pictures at the page, take a
look!!! Please sign the guestbook. I hope you enjoy your visit at my own teletubbies
homepage. My mom is still working on my homepage, so you can come back some other time to
see more teletubbies-fun!!!

I made a update on
Levi's site everyone was asking for more teletubbies stuff so I change his site and I hope
everyone think works oke. You can also chat with other teletubbies fans. Please send me
your Halloween pictures if you where dresst as a Teleubbie, so I can put it on the site.
So can everyone see your Halloweenclothes. We don't have new pictures about his sleeping
room but I'm still working on it. Greetings from Levi's mom.

Levi and our dog
Beau on the beach.