Andrew's Updates
"It's such a powerful connection; it takes me by surprise. I feel like there's a dotted line
connecting me to my son."---Sarah Langston
Andrew Harris Horn's Update Page
Well, as you read on my main page, I am planning to be born on August 6th, 1998. Mom and Dad have
lots of drs. involved with the pregnancy. (Way too many to their liking!) Dr. Hughston is her OB in
Harlingen (who is wonderful), Dr. Strain is her OB
in Corpus Christi, Drs. Henderson and Soutter are my pediatric surgeons, and Drs. Prado, Godoy,
Serrao, and De Leon, are my neonatal drs. Mom and Dad really liked all the Corpus drs. They put her a little more at ease. And Driscoll Children's Hospital was especially nice. After my surgery I may spend anywhere from 4-6 weeks in
NICU. Mom is going to stay in CC, while Dad works and comes to visit on weekends. It's going to be
stressful, but worth it!
May 21st
I had my picture taken today. They do this every month to make sure I'm growing well.
So far so good. I measured around 26 weeks for everything but my tummy--which is going to be smaller
since all my intestines are outside. The picture taking bores me, they caught me yawning! I keep kicking
mom a lot, and I like to play games with her. Sometimes I won't kick her to where see can feel it for
a long time. Then she starts to poke at me--I really hate when she does that!
June 18th
More complications. My poor parents, I really don't mean to be so much trouble. Maybe my teenage years will be a breeze for them. Anyway, seems like my amniotic fluid levels are dropping. Also, mom's blood pressure is a little high. (probably due to the stress) So now she has to go to the dr. twice a week for non-stress tests(NST), once a week for bio-physical profile (ultra-sounds that look for special things), and steroid shots to mature my lungs faster in case I have to come earlier. My first NST I passed with flying colors--I moved a lot and my heart rate stayed within normal ranges and no contractions. Mom is on complete bedrest. She really wants me to stay in here until July 15th when I'll be 34 weeks old. I'm going to try.
July 7th
Holding steady! I'm up to 4lbs2oz and the amniotic fluid level is staying steady at 7.6. Mom's BP is still a little worrisome, so she has to take it three times a day at home. So far so good. In my BPP today I was playing with my toes and sucking my thumb. Mom says I have Dad's nose. Dr. Hughston stated that this has been the longest pregnancy ever. Mom laughed so hard. She does feel a little sorry for him. It has been a difficult pregnancy for all of us. But you have to give the doc credit, he hasn't missed a thing!! Mom goes in three times a week now. She is pretty weak from the bedrest and has lost 6 pounds. She says it will all be worth it once I'm here. Only one more month to go!
July 28th
Well, Dr. Hughston said he would end up delivering me, and he did. Mom went in for her regular appointment, only I wasn't cooperating. I stopped moving and my heartrate was high. Ironically, before the appointment, Mom told Dr. Hughston, jokingly, that if he wanted to take me today, she wouldn't argue. I was born at 2:27 pm, 35 weeks gestation (in Harlingen), 6lbs 11.8ozs (think how big I would have been had I stayed in there for five more weeks!!!)18.5 inches long. I had apgars of 8 & 9. Six hours later I had my first plane ride to Corpus where Dr. Henderson did my surgery. They got everything back in in one surgery, and my scar is no bigger than a belly button. I have a "flatty" belly button.
August 15th
A very bad day for me. The dr. told me I would be going home tomorrow or Monday. However, I ended up getting a really bad infection--septic--and nearly dying. There is something to the saying "get out of the hospital before you get sick". However, Dr. Milan stayed by my side, lots of people said many prayers, and all turned out ok. It was terribly scarey though.
August 25th
Today is the day I go home!!! Now I get to really know my Mom and Dad. It is very exciting for all! And still only four weeks after my birth--even with the infection.
April 16th
Wow! I'm 8.5 months old. I'm doing great!
If you check out my picture page you will see that I'm growing well and very happy. Mom is already working on my
first birthday party. She says the time has flown by!
June 30,2000
Can you believe I'm almost 2! Mom and dad can't. Since it's been forever since mom updated the page, here are the highlights. I crawled at around 8 months, I walked at 11 months. I'm just now starting to really talk. I'm very bright and one can easily tell I'm the product of an engineer and a creative mom. I have figured out the child safety door knob protectors, and child safety caps on the Motrin (mom was right there, so no harm done) I have no health problems related to the gastroschisis. The only trouble I have is chronic sinusitis (thanks dad!). But we are getting that under control. Mom still talks to women whose babies are diagnosed with gastroschisis, many say this page is a big help. Hopefully she will get a new scanner for her birthday, and some new pictures will be up.