The Horn Family Page

Greg, Sarah, and Andrew Horn
This is how Greg and Sarah met:
Greg and Sarah were married on June 22, 1996. Our story is interesting.
We met on a blind date! Greg had a rugby buddy who was engaged to a
co-worker of mine. She had been telling me about this guy for months,
but he wouldn't agree to a date. Finally, they tricked him into a
date by telling him that they were getting a few people together to
go dancing to practice for their wedding. Little did he know that a
few meant them and Greg and I. ( I did not know they were tricking
him) We met at Jen and Todd's apartment. Greg was already there,
and I came in, smiled at him, said hello, and then had to use the
phone to call my family. (my father was in the hospital at the time) We went out and had a good time. I was a little distracted since I was worried about my father. At the time I was also a smoker, and couldn't smoke, so that was distracting as well. Well, we said our goodbyes, and he asked me out for another date--this time dinner by ourselves and then meet Jen and Todd. He
was soooo cute!! He was nervous and keep stuttering. I fell in love
with him then and there! He later told me he fell in love with me
the minute I walked in the door at Jen and Todd's and smiled. We went
to the wedding together--he was best man--and have been together ever
since. He was going to move to College Station to get his Master's
and I was in Houston working for Petsmart. I knew that wasn't going
to work for long. Within a month I had a new job in College Station,
quit Petsmart (after 5 years in mangement) and packed all my things
and moved--without even a look back! That was in September of 94 and
we were married in June of 96. I hope that everyone can find the
love and happiness that Greg and I have found.
About Greg::
Greg works for Lockheed-Martin as an engineer. He has a Master of
Engineering from Texas A&M University in College Station,TX. He
has one older sister and a younger brother. He loves to play
rugby and softball. His favorite authors are Tom Clancy and Louis
About Sarah:
Sarah is a former teacher, retail manager, shipping/receiving manager, and secretary. She is
very happy in her current job of homemaker and mother. She has a Bachelor of
Science in Elementary Education from Stephen F. Austin State
University in Nacogdoches, Tx. She likes to sew, make crafts, design webpages, and
refinish furniture. Her favorite author's are Robin Cook and Dean
R. Koontz.
About Andrew:
Andrew is our pride and joy, and he didn't come to us easily. To learn all about him, please go to his home page.

Stork Site--a must for those who are pregnant or trying to get pregnant.
The Dilbert Zone
e-cards Links to all kinds of virtual cards, flowers, and gifts!
The Electric Postcard
Aggie Scoreboard
The Battalion
Jay's Comedy Club
our buddy name is SHH710