Andrew's Home Page
"I love his laugh, bubbles out in an infectious wholehearted way. This is pure joy-- nothing else matters." ---Anne Morrow Lindbergh, b.1906

Andrew's Home Page

Oh dear - no Java!!!!
I am a dream come true for my parents and was born July 28th, 1998--five weeks early, but I weighed a nice 6lbs 11.8ozs and was 18.5" long.(my poor mom if I had gone to full term!) I was born with gastroschisis, a condition in which my intestines didn't withdraw into my abdomen by week 10 like they were suppose to. I was suppose to be delivered in Corpus Christi, but I went into distress and Dr. Hughston delivered my on the 28th. Learn more about gastroschisis from the Virtual Hospital. WARNING this site has some pictures that may be disturbing to some. There are also more links below, including a list of e-mail addresses of other moms who have delivered gastroschisis babies, they welcome your questions. If you are reading this site because your baby has been diagnosed with gastroschisis, please e-mail my mom; she will be more than willing to talk to you.

It was a stressful pregnancy and first month of life, but I'm a very healthy and happy baby now. There is a small journal of sorts on myupdates page.

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My parent's home page

Gastroschisis Links

A list of e-mail addresses of mother's whose children were born with gastroschisis, they are waiting to hear from you.
National Organization for Rare Disorders
March of Dimes
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Institute for the Unborn Baby
Abdominal Wall Defects
Gastroschisis Repair