Birth: Emergency c-section for baby with no amniotic fluid.
I was due on March 22. Well, that date came and went. I didn't even have braxton hicks contrations until the week of the 22nd. I went to the hospital in false labor twice that week!! I went to my 41st week appointment and my Dr. said "there's nothing going on down there." My blood pressure was high so they sent me over to the hospital. I beg to be induced. They wouldn't do it of course. I went home very upset and crying my eyes out! I went to my next appointment on the next Tues. and the Dr. said that nothing was happening. The Sat. coming up was going to be 42 weeks. I was told to come back on Thurs. I figured I would have my baby on Wed. since it was April 1st. (April Fool's baby) Well, at 10 o'clock on Wed. night I started having regular contractions again. They were about 5 min apart. I decided I was going to wait and see what happened. I told my Mom to be ready just in case. Anyway, I took a shower and layed down in bed. By 1:00 am the contractions were stronger and about 3 min. apart. I told Mom to get up and lets go. We had to drive 30 min to the hospital. (Mom made it in 15 min.!!) When the nurse checked me she said that I was 2 1/2 cen. dialated but my cervix was still very thick so she would probably send me home. She put me on the fetal and contraction monitors and stood there for a second looking at them. Then she ask me if I had felt the baby move that day. I told her yes. Then a few sec later she asked are you sure? I again said yes. My blood pressure went up to 180/110 so they told me to get on my left side. When I got on my left side she said that they were going to start an IV. I was thinking alright this means I am not going home. Then all of a sudden there were two other nurses in the room. One was looking for a place to put the IV and the other was telling me that they needed to put me on oxygen for the baby. The first nurse was telling me that the that the Dr. was coming to break my water. The Dr showed up a few minutes later and sat down on the end of my bed and told me that he was going to break my water and put an internal monitor on my son. Well he broke my bag of waters but no water came out. Then he put the monitor on my son and his heart almost stopped. His heart rate dropped below 30 beats per minute. The Dr turned to my Mother and said I have to tell you and Tracy(me) that this child is in a lot of trouble. I don't know if I can save it. I of course went all to pieces. My Mom was telling me that it was going to be all right. Anyway I had an emergency C-section and Hunter was born at 4:49 am wieghing 6 lbs 10 oz and 19 3/4 inches long. He had meconium staining, no amnionic fluid, and a very mature placenta. Needless to say he was a miracle child. If I had not gone into labor that night he would have been dead at the Dr. appointment the next morning. All I have to say is that the Lord is always looking after us. Hunter will be a month old tomorrow and he is growing like a weed!! Sorry this is so long, but I had to tell my story.
Thanks for listening.