Birth: scheduled c-section with spinal headache. Ouch!
Our sweet baby girl arrived via scheduled c-section on April 9th at 8:29am! We went in the day before for an amnio, they require them for scheduled c's to make sure that baby is ready. It was only 5 days before our due date, and baby was so big, they did not have to do one after all! I was so relieved, that was the worst part of my son's birth! They measured Beth at 9lbs 9oz on the sonogram. Yikes! The next day we went into the hospital at 6:00am, they got us all prep'ed for surgery. I was scheduled to have an epidural, but the anethesiologist wanted to do a spinal, that's what I had last time and she had all the measurements already. I was concerned about spinal headaches, I wanted to be able to sit up when my 2 year old son came to visit. She assured me that there was a very small chance that would happen and that I could sit up by noon. My last spinal was a breeze, so I agreed. Anyway, to make a long story short, the spinal this time was the spinal from hell. They took us into the surgery room 1/2 hour before the doc's arrived. Plenty of time to get nervous. Then, when she finally started the spinal, the needle went the wrong way and hit a nerve. It felt like lightening shot through my hip and leg. I about jumped off the table. Things went downhill from there. It took her five tries to get it done, but she finally did, just as I was about to tell them to give me a general and knock me out. Nine minutes later our beautiful baby girl was born! She was only 8lbs and 6 oz, 20 inches long. That's still plenty big, just smaller than they anticipated! I was so relieved to have her here and screaming at us! They let her stay in recovery with me and I was able to nurse within the hour. Last time they kept my son in the nursery until I was out of recovery. So that was great! Once we were both the proper temperature and such, they moved us into our room. I stayed on my back (because of the spinal) until that evening, but I still ended up with a major spinal headache on the 2nd day after she was born. It lasted for 3 days and there is no medicine that can fix it. I guess I should have expected it after how the spinal went. I am sure glad this is our last baby, I could not go through that again! But, she is beautiful, and as time goes by and you look at your baby, you forget how awful it was! I am disappointed in how the actual delivery went, but we both came through OK. She is nursing well and growing well. That is our birth story, Congrats to all the new mommies and daddies out there, see you in playgroup!