Parents: Vickie and Andy
Brother: Alex (10)
Baby: Travis James
Date: April 4, 1998
Time: 4:04 pm
Weight: 6 lbs 13 oz
Length: 19 inches
Birth: Vaginal Breech Delivery!
First of all, congrats to all new mom's and to those who are waiting, let me tell you it can come on fast!!!! Be ready.
We are proud to welcome Travis James to our family. He was born at 4:04pm on 4/4. (Do you think we will forget that?) He arrived 3 weeks early and weighed 6lbs 13ozs and is 19 inches long. Now for the story.
Travis was due on 4/25. However, during the last weekend in March I started feeling like we really should get ready. I packed a bag for myself and the baby. On Thursday I felt very "under the weather" and had a lot of pressure. Friday was ok and I had a great work shower and lunch. We joked about when I would be leaving. I was planning to work another two weeks. On Saturday I made plans with my mom to gather our garden containers and go out and by our flower starts. We decided to meet for breakfast at Shari's first. One of my brother and sister came along as well as my dad. My DH and older son stayed home as Alex had friends still over from a sleep over. We ate breakfast and were sitting around shooting and breeze and I decided that I had better use the restroom while it was convenient. I stood up and my water broke!!!!! I set down in shock and said "Folks this is it. My water just broke.". I was so shocked I couldn't figure out what to do. Luckily my mom steps in and says she should take me home. So off we went. I tried to call DH on the drive (luckily we only live 5 minutes away) and there was no answer. I was afraid he had decided to take the boys some place. (He was at a bachlor party the last time this happened and I had a dickens of a time tracking him down.) However, he was just working in the yard. Boy was he suprised. I was very concern at this point. At my Thursday appointment the doctor felt the baby was still breech and I had a US scheduled for the following Thursday to discuss our options. I called the doctor and of course my doctor wasn't on call, but I talked to one who was. It was someone who I hadn't met. I told him my concern and he said to come on in and we would do an US to find out. So away we went. We got to the hospital at 11:00am. I loved the doctor the minute he walked in the door. I could tell I was in good hands. He did an internal and estimated that I was 2-3cm dilated and mostly effaced(sp?). He did the US and yes Travis was still frank breech. Since my water had broke there was no option of trying an inversion. (I forgot to mention that we picked his name on the drive to the hospital. We had briefly mentioned Travis a week earlier but had dismissed it. However, it seemed right when the time came even without seeing him.) He estimated his weight at 7lbs. Then he asked how much my previous son at weighed and I told him 7-14. Well, he was very sure that Travis would be smaller. He then explained my options. I could have a C-section. I was also a prime candidate for a vaginal breech delivery for these reasons: This baby was my second, he was smaller then my first, and he was frank breech. He did have two requests if I decided to try a vaginal delivery, that I have an epidural in case I needed an emergency C-section and that I would delivery in the OR room for the same reason. I thought those were very reasonable requests and decided to try the vaginal delivery. I promised to take his advice should any complications arise. I felt we had a wonderful mutual "understanding" (not sure that is the right word to convey how I felt). He presented the options and let me make a decision and I in turn trusted his professional expertise. I have never felt pressured by any of the doctors I have dealt with, but that's another topic. By now, it was 12:30pm and he did not think I was in active labor. We agreed to start picotin as I had been in this position with my first (broken water and no active labour) and had tried walking for hours, only to have to receive picotin in the end anyway. I was wheeled done to the birthing suite and they monitored the baby for 20 minutes. Then we decided to get up and walk while the nurse got the IV and picotin ready and made arrangements for the epidural. She said to come back at 2:00pm. While it didn't take long for active labour to start. By the time we got back at 2:00 they were 1 minute apart and lasting 45 seconds. She checked me and I was still at 3 cm and completely effaced. I was a little discouraged because the contractions were really strong. However, she said I was in active labour and wasn't sure if I really needed the picotin. She decided to get the IV started and then check me again before starting it. Two trys on the IV later (and very intense contractions!!!!) and she had to get some one else to try. Then she did another internal. I was at 6+cm. Boy did they scurry then. They don't like to get epidurals when you get more then 6cm, but the doctor really wanted me to have one. By this point I was almost afraid that they wouldn't be able to do one. My mom said the nurse went out to the station and said I was really at 7cm, but they told the anethesologist (sp?) that I was at 6. So I went from 3 to 7 in about one hour. At 3:00pm they started adminstrating the epidural. By 3:30 it was taking affect and the doctor checked said I was at 9cm and to wheel me into OR. By the time we got there I was ready to push. I don't remember the intense pressure and stretching from the last time. Maybe a breech is a little different. I pushed for 1/2 hour and we could see his bottom and the doctor removed his legs. Travis proceeded to pee all over everyone. Boy did they laugh. Then came the hard part. The doctor had to reach inside and get his arms. Wow was that an intense experience. I thought I was going to lose it. It seemed to take forever, but in reality it was just a couple of moments and then I pushed out his head. I was extremely proud of myself for having completed a breech vaginal delivery. My DH was obsolutely the greatest coach. I knew that from the last time and that was a great source of comfort. Knowing that I would have the best support. Travis of course is perfect. He showed absolutely no signs of distruss during this whole rough time. His little heart just keeping beating away at a great rate. He was born a little blue which I guess is normal for a breech but he turned pink in no time at all. By 4:30 we were back in our room. Alex (our older son who is almost 10) just loves his little brother. He went to stay with grandma each night and he would so tenderly say goodbye and want to hold him right away when he came back. Right now we are trying to catch up on sleep and we are spending hours just admiring our little miracle. Sorry this was so long. Hope you all have as wonderful a experience as we did.
Take Care Vickie and Travis (born 4/4 and due 4/25)