

Birth: Very fast pushing stage bruised baby, but she is fine now.



Here's Alyssa birth story!:


Yup!!!!!!! My baby Alyssa is finally here!!!!!!!!!!! Here's some info about her!!!!!! Her name is Alyssa Pamela Florence and she is just a doll!!!!!! She arrived last night at dinner time--6:38pm on April 29th......just the day I had guessed/hoped she would arrive!!!!! (wanted her born on the 29th because Tyler was born on Sept. 29 and Andrew and I were both born on the 9th day--Andrew in Dec and me in July--so I guess 9 is our lucky number!!!!) She is just a petite little one---6lbs 6 1/2 oz and is 20 inches long! she's just as tall as Tyler was, yet over a pound lighter!!!!! A briefing of her arrival: Woke up 2:30/3am on the 29th, decided that I was in labor, so we packed up Tyler, took him to my parents place and arrived at the hospital at 4:30am. 8:30am they sent me home saying it wasn't real. :-( Went to my parents then went back to the hospital at about 5pm where they agreed that I was indeed in labor this time as I was 6cm and 100% effaced!!!! My dr came in to look in on me at 6pm and we decided to break my water. Labor grew really intense and the 8 contrax after my water was broke were rather painful!!!!!! The last 3 of those I thought I was dying!!!!!! (I had moved to the shower somewhere in there, by the way, and found it was somewhat helpful!!) The last contraction was entire hell, and for some reason I decided the shower was no longer working so I hopped out and walked stark naked back to my room!!!!!!! THIS IS NOT ME AT ALL!!!!!!!!! I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MODEST & SHY!!!!!!!! I arrived back to my bed, dh in tow and in utter shock at me walking around in the nude (he knew this was NOT the lady he married!!!!), crawled onto my bed and another contraction came and the nurse yells, oh my god, Lynn (thats my dr) she's pushing!!!!!! They pushed some sort of alarm and nurses arrived by the thousands to help get things ready!!!!!! They hadn't expected me to be at this stage yet, I guess!!!!! Everyone was yelling at me to stop pushing, but all I could say was "Why?" and kept going! Meanwhile i was thinking to myself--"i'm pushing????? Am I????? Oh, I am, too!!!" I hadn't even realized that THAT was what I was doing!!!! Anyways, with that contraction I pushed baby all of the way down!!!! The next contraction was the most painful thing in all my life and Andrew says I looked like something from the exorsist!!!!! I was screaming like never before!!!! But with that contraction I delivered babys head!!!!! It wa really odd....I had my hands infront of my crotch trying to push baby bck in (I think I thought if I didn't birth her the pain would go away!) Yet at the same time I was pushing with all my might!!!! It really must have looked like a scene from the exorsist!!!!!


Anyways, The next contraction delivered the rest of baby and it was all over!!!!!!!!! I pushed for a max of about 7 minutes!!!!! It took a minute, but a nurse finally looked to see if baby was a boy or girl-----I was so happy to have her born that I forgot to look!!!!!!!!! When they said "It's a girl!" I about peed myself and all I could yell was "I got my girl!!! I got a daughter!!!" I swear the entire hospital heard me!!!!! I held her for a while, then they took her to the warming table beside me and again all hell broke loose. Due to her super-sonic speed of birth she never got the fluid out of her lungs and was having trouble breathing. She was also very bruised from being born so fast--I mean she was really bruised!!!!! Poor little thing. So it was off to the nursery for intense observatiion and a look-over by a peadiatrician.


The final result? Well, besides the bruises which aren't too bad I'm told, she's going to be A-OK!!!!! She stayed in the nursery for a couple hrs (which translates to "I bawled for a couple hrs and blamed myself for her problems resulting from the birth") and then they let us have her and she and I slept together, all cuddled up, in my room all night!!!!! her bruising looks better this morning and she won't have any lasting effects from either the fluid or the bruises!!!! She's absolutely perfect and is considered healthy as a horse!!!!!! Oh, you should see her!!!!! she is so beautiful!!!!!!!


Anyways, guess I'd better go try to rest and I think the nurse is comming in to do my b.p. Just wanted to tell you our story!!!!! If you can't tell, I am one very proud mama!!!!!! And you should see Andrew!!!! I think I have lost out and his heart now belongs to another woman---our daughter!!!!!!! And Tyler is sooooooooo adorable!!!! He tells anyone who'll listen that he's a big brother and has a baby sister!!!!!! My mom even made cupcakes for him to take to preschool, where I'm told he boasted all morning about how he's a big brother!!!!!!!!!! He got to hold her this moning after preschool for the 1st time (she was in the nursery when he came to visit last night and no visitors were allowed into the nursery) and he did so good!!!!!!! He kept smothering her with kisses saying "MY baby sister!"




Best wishes to all you MoMays!!!!!!!! I can't wait to read all your stories!!!!!!!





Love, Trixie