Katie's Birth Story
I actually started labor pains the evening of Saturday April 18th. We had just decided that we would name her Katherine Emily. We were driving to a
furniture store about an hour from our house & while we were purchasing our new coffee table I got my first really strong contraction - none of this Braxton
Hicks false labor. Finally, I thought we were getting somewhere. My due date was the 19th (18th per the ultra-sound, 20th according to the conception
date). I was pretty anxious for the past week.
The rest of the evening I had a strong but short contraction every hour or so. I didn't sleep much & got up to watch TV at 4:30am. I had contractions every
15 mins or so. Finally at 8:30 Sunday morning, they were getting much stronger, but still 15 mins apart. I got Marc up (wasn't I kind to let him sleep that
long?). We called the dr's office at about 11am. She said to call back when they were closer & stronger. I spent time cleaning the house, making lunch for
Marc, re-packing my hospital bag, and stopping every 10 mins to grab on to something - the contractions were getting pretty tough, but I was fine once they
passed. At 2:00, the dr said to come in. They verified that I was just about 1 cm. They had me walk, do the jacuzzi, etc. I was absolutely starving. I begged
Marc for $$ for a candy bar, but the poor guy was so nervous, he left his wallet in the car. They checked me again at 5pm. Still 1 cm. All those BIG
contractions & no progress. They decided to send me home.
Marc felt so bad that he said he would get me whatever I wanted to eat (he would regret this later if you know what I mean). I hadn't eaten much in 24 hrs
so we got Wendy's & between contractions I ate. At home, the contractions got much more intense, by 9pm they were 7-10 min apart & vicious. Marc was
wonderful. He walked with me, he laid down with me, anything I wanted. Finally, my MIL came over & we called the dr. She sd to come back to the
hospital. They checked me out and sd only 1 cm. I just sobbed - 10 hours of huge contractions & no progress. I was exhausted and my whole body was
shaking. I started to get a little scared & sd to Marc what if I can't do this (like I had a choice!!).
At 1:30am (only 1.5 cm dilated) the dr sd I had 2 choices. They could use Pitocin to help me dilate or give me morphine to relax me & get some sleep. I
opted for the morphine because I was so exhausted. It took 2 doses of morphine (and I could still feel the contractions pretty good) and I was finally able to
rest. I sent MIL & Marc out to get something to eat. By 5am, the morphine was completely worn off, but I was 8 cm!!! Progress, finally. The contractions
were again quite intense, lasting over a min every 3 min. By 7am, they gave me an epidural (I love that man -the anethesiologist) and they also started me on
Pitocin because they had broken my water and wanted to speed thing up (there was some Meconium in the amniotic fluid). Things were much better after
that. I was fully dialated by 11am Monday (over 35 hours of labor).
The dr told me that it would take 3 to 4 hours to push because the baby was facing down. Marc and MIL stayed with me the whole time. At this point, I
was soooo hungry. I told Marc and MIL that I wasn;t going to push that long. I was right. At 12:38 pm, after 1 ½ hrs pushing , Katherine Emily Todd was
born. I was frightened at first because she didn't even cry. Once I knew she was alright & kept asking Is it a girl? Everyone forgot to tell me, though we were
pretty sure. She was perfect. She weighed 8lbs and measured 21 ¼ ins. She just kept looking around at everyone. I felt fine (only 5 stitches) and was up in
the Maternity ward in time for lunch - LOL! It was the most incredible experience of my life. I still can't believe how much that 8lb bundle changed my life …
If you have read all of this, thanks so much! It's been wonderful sharing the last year with you all. I am so glad you are all my friends - can you tell I'm a touch
emotional today :0)