Induced with Pitocin/ C-Section- Failure to progress
Parents: Frederick and Tanisha Allen
Sibling: Devan (3.5)
Baby: Jade Makayla Allen
Born: April 17, 1998 @ 1:52p.m.
Due: April 23, 1998
Weight/Length: 8lbs. 15oz., 21 3/4in.
It all started on Thursday, April 16th. After 2 weeks of walking, I was determined to go into labor, as I was sick of being "as big as a house", and hadn't slept good for 2 months. I was determined not to make it to my 39 week appt. scheduled for the next day. Well, after another long day of walking and a long hot bath and massage from DH, labor began at about midnight. I had been 3cm dialated for a week. My contractions were coming every 5-7 min. and they were still quite bearable. I called the hospital and was told to come in to be checked. We arrived at the hospital with my bag and a lunch for DH at about 5:00 a.m. I was put into a room to be checked. The attending physician said I was still 3cm and decided to do an ultrasound for size since she thought I was just huge. The baby measured at about 9lbs. She called my Dr. to see what he wanted to do. My Dr. said to start me on the Pitocin and he would see me soon. So, I got my Pitocin and also Penicillin for GBS virus and waited. Everything was fine for the first few hrs. and then the real pain hit! The pain became unbearable and I asked DH to get nurse for some pain medication. She suggested the epidural. While waiting for the anesthesiologist, I heard a huge popping noise on the monitor. My water broke and boy did it gush! Finally DH and I thought things would progress quickly. I was then 4cm but my Dr. said that baby was still up quite high. I finally got the epi and was surprised that I didn't feel it go in. I was too busy panting through contractions that were one on top of the other at this point. After the epi kicked in, I felt GREAT! Soon after I was able to come off the monitors around my belly and got an internal one. The doctors then noticed that baby's heartrate was dropping. I was 5cm by then but she was still too high. My Dr. then discussed the possiblility of a C-Section . Finally by 1:00 p.m. I was tired and not progressing anymore, so we decided to do the section. I was quickly prepped. I got a cathether and oxygen and we were wheeled to the operating room. After what seemed like hrs. of pulling and tugging, I heard a shrill cry from my precious daughter, Jade Makayla Allen. DH got to hold her after her bath and I was just too excited. I got to spend 2 hrs. in recovery and DH went home to check on house and get our son. Jade has not stopped making us smile since that first moment we layed eyes on her. Her big brother tells me, Mom, " I love her sooooo much!" I makes me want to cry. By the way, I did not make my 39 week appt. that was scheduled for Friday, April 17th at 2:00 p.m. Jade was born at 1:52! Boy was I glad!