Birth: Great birth experience with nubain and epidural.
You go away for a few days and the board goes CRAZY. Congrats to all new mommies.
I had my 39 week appointment on Monday 4/20/98. There was no change 2-3 cm and 70-80% effaced. The Dr. felt the baby was getting to BIG due to my pelvis size. I was due 4/26. My Dr asked me how I felt about having the baby the next day. I thought he was just joking and said ,"that would be great!" That's when he told me that due to size of baby and the fact that my pelvis is small--hard labor with forceps with the first, he suggested induction. Keep in mind they thought the baby was about 8 1/2 lbs.
The next morning I got to the hospital at 7am. Another Dr in the practice came in and broke my water. They thought that might due it. By 8am nothing was going on and that's when they started the pit drip. Labor began almost immediately. Contractions were mild and about 3 minutes apart. The upped the drip to get the contractions closer together and by 9:30am I was starting to feel them. They gave me Nubain ( A WONDERFUL DRUG I MIGHT ADD) At 11:30 the nubaim was wearing off and I asked for my Epidural(ANOTHER WONDERFUL DRUG I MIGHT ADD) I was 5cm at 11:30am. They checked me at 1:30pm and I was fully dilated with the lip of cervix a little thick like with my daughter. They rolled me from the left side to the right and the lip went away. By the way, I was able to sleep on and off from 11:30am-1:30pm. I told the nurse I wanted to push and sure enough he was ready to come into the world. I had told DH that I thought he would be born at 2pm. At 1:55pm I started to push and he was born a few pushes later at 2:05pm. He came out wailing immediately and was pink and moving all over. His APGAR was between a 9-10 for both of them. All and all it was the BEST birth experience, especially after such a hard one with my daughter. Needless to say, he weighed 7lbs 14oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. I got to see him as he came out and it was the most amazing thing I have ever witness ( didn't have the option with my daughter due to forceps and PAIN) DH got to cut the cord this time. He nursed right away.
Brady was introduced to his sister tuesday night. She says things to him like, " hey Brady look at this sticker , hey Brady you want to hold your ballon." At 27 months she doesn't realize just how little he can do.
Good luck to those waiting---for the gift is truly worth the wait.
Jen (seahorse) John (DH), Molly ( big sister ) and Brady, the newest Gunson.