Parents: Debbie & Tom
Baby: Ellen June
Date: April 20, 1998
Time: 7:57 p.m.
Birth: medicated hospital birth
I had gone to the doctor for my regularly scheduled appointment on Wed.,
and was told I was only dilated 1 cm and that nothing would happen anytime
soon. I was hoping he would say the opposite, as my parents were in town
until the following Saturday morning (we have no other family here) and it
would have been wonderful to have our baby while they were here. Oh well.
Then on Friday morning my doctor called and said that if we wanted, he
would induce me early Sat. morning for two reasons 1) he was on call all
weekend and 2) he knew I would love to have Ellen arrive while her
grandparents were here. It was tempting, but my husband and I decided that
we wanted to have things happen as naturally as possible. And I wasn't
really due for another three days.
The day after my parents left (Sunday) my dh and I were getting ready to go
out and run errands and I started feeling what I assumed were contractions!
Yipeee! I was so excited and anxious. I remember trying to get ready,
and although the contractions weren't painful yet, it was hard to keep
myself focused on getting ready and out the door. We realized nothing was
going to happen anytime soon, so we went to a street fair close to home and
walked up and down with manageable contractions. That night we went for
another walk, trying to move things along. We went to bed at a reasonable
hour, wondering if we would be heading to the hospital in the middle of the
At around 3am I woke and couldn't sleep. The contractions felt much
stronger and more painful. I woke my dh to help me time them - and when
they got to 5 min apart we decided to go to the hospital. Being that it
was the middle of the night, we couldn't figure out where the heck to park
and what entrance to go in. Of course, we ended up in the opposite end of
that darn hospital! UGH! Not a happy camper. We finally made it to the
triage and got admitted. The nurse was fabulous but unfortunately my
contractions were not the 5 min apart that we thought they were! And I was
only 2 cm dilated. We felt a little stupid - but we were first timers, so
we got over that quick! Then she called my doctor and he told her he would
like us to stay and walk around the hospital and that we would probably
have Ellen by dinner time. The nurse, who cracked us up, recommended we go
home with a sleeping pill and come back when they are 3 min apart. She
said she figured our doc was just trying to speed us along so he could be
home for HIS dinner.
Anyway, we went home, slept, tried to shower, and then all of a sudden the
contractions went nuts! Very painful and close together. Unfortunately
they were only 5 or 6 min apart - and we knew better at this point to go
running to the hospital premature again. So I suggested we go for a walk
around the block/neighborhood. Well, I didn't even get to the end of the
block - I thought I was going to fall over and die! We came back home and
I told dh I wanted to go back to the hospital soon. He was being a dork
about it, saying it was too soon again. The more I told him I wanted to go
the more he made me mad! Finally, when I was running out of positions to
make the contractions more bearable, I told him we are going to the
hospital NOW! I just couldn't take it anymore.
We checked in (again!) and I was only 3 cm dilated. UGH! With how the
pain had intensified so much, I figured for sure I was further along than
only 4 darn cm!!! This was not pleasing to hear. Not to mention, the
nurse that was assisting us in the triage was so very annoying. Way to
cheery considering my state of mind at the time! Then out of the blue I
got the worst charlie horse cramp in my calf. It hurt so bad I couldn't
talk - and my husband just sat there as I tried to tell him to massage my
leg! Once that was over, a different nurse (thank God!) manually
"stretched" me to 4 cm (I didn't know that was possible - but I am here to
tell you that I felt her do it vaginally!!) Then they told us to walk
around the hospital. That was the worst. Not only was my pain horrible -
but having to look like death during a contraction in front of innocent
people in the hospital hallways was not my idea of fun. We came back in 30
minutes and I still wasn't further along. But this time they sent me to my
own room anyway. By now, my hope of having a natural childbirth was a
faint memory in my mind. All I was thinking at this point was one word :
EPIDURAL!!!! And give it to me NOW!!!!!!! The nurse that was assigned to
me told me I'd have to wait until I took in some fluids via IV. Not happy!
As I sat and waited for the fluid to drain I could barely manage the pain.
Through each contraction I don't even think I was able to open my eyes I
was in so much pain. My dh kept asking me if I was having a contraction
and all I could do was raise a finger to signify YES (or, more or less,
what the H*LL do you think I'm having!!!!!!!!!!) I laugh now when I look
back, cause neither me or my dh were doing anything productive during the
contractions to help manage them. No breathing, focus point, massage,
NOTHING! SO much for those birthing classes. I remember my lovely nurse
saying "didn't you guys even take birthing classes?" Like I needed to hear
that at this point!
Every time the nurse kept coming in I was absolutely begging for the
epidural. I'm pretty sure she wasn't happy with me at this point (feelings
were mutual!). My dh said I just about hollered at the janitor to give me
my epidural ! Then FINALLY, the anesthesiologist came and did the epi. All
I can say is, I would have taken 17 of them. The needle in my spine was
nothing compared to the contractions I was having. Anyway, soon thereafter
I was in complete bliss. Oh, and my nurse that I despised a moment ago now
seemed like my best friend.
Shortly thereafter the OB resident broke my water (weird feeling) and they
gave me petocin since I was still only 4cm dilated. By now I was all
rested, and my dh and I were thinking it would be a few hours before
anything would happen. It was 4:30ish so he decided to go to the cafeteria
for some dinner. Seemed like forever and he finally came back. Within
moments I told him I either had to take a BM or push! The nurse thought I
was loosing my mind, but once she checked she realized I was at 10 cm!!!!!
They managed to get the doctor in ASAP and I pushed for about an hour to
hour and a half. The pushing was such an awesome feeling! I felt so in
control for once during this whole labor and delivery! It was great. And
I was able to have enough energy to do what I had to do. Finally she
arrived at 7:57. No tearing and no episiotomy (thanks to my dr. who did
lots of perennial massage to prevent this from happening). Daddy cut the
cord (even though he wasn't so sure if he'd want to). She weighed in at 6
lbs. 14 oz and 19.5 inches long with tons of black hair!!
I wanted Ellen to be placed on my chest and nurse immediately, but a second
after they rested her on me they whisked her away because her lung had some
fluid in it. Once they got her lung cleared they wrapped her up and I got
to see her! She was so beautiful. We were able to nurse for a little bit
which was the most unbelievable experience.
We stayed until the next day at around noon. I couldn't wait to get home
with my precious little Ellen. I will never forget this day for the rest
of my life!