

Birth: Relexed birth with epi help.



We just returned home from the hospital today. Lacie was born yesterday morning (4/29) at 8:24 AM, and weighed 7lbs. 3 oz. and is 20 1/2 inches long. She has a full head of dark brown hair. The birth was very much different from my first daughters. We were sent to the hospital with contractions 10 min. apart on 4/28, only to be sent back home again (too early of labor). I had an induction scheduled at 5AM on 4/29, so we had to be right back at the hospital the next morning. I did not get any sleep that night (too many contractions). We showed up at the hospital and I was dialated to a 5 with contractions coming about 7 min. apart. I was able to get the epidural (wonder drug!) almost immediately and rest thru the rest of the dialation process. It only took 2.5 hours to dialate to a 10 and about 40 min. of pushing (the hard part!) and Lacie Mae was born. The doctor did do some massaging, but I did end up tearing some and have quite a few stitches. It was a very relaxed birth, and I was able to have both my mom plus my MIL and a good friend with me during the birth (and DH, of course).


Lacie seems to sleep during the day and is up all night.... hopefully we can get that changed real soon! Big Sister Raeli is getting spoiled while trying to show her importance and challenge me for attention.


Good luck for those of you still waiting...I know what you're going thru! It will be over soon...get some sleep while you can!!!*S*


Cindy and Lacie Mae...due 4/23, born 4/29