
Mom: Pam
Baby: Betsy
Born: April 8, 1998
Time: 5:11 pm
Weight: 7 lbs. 10 oz.
Length: 21 inches
Birth: Scheduled induction with epidural

I was scheduled for an induction on Wednesday, April 8, to arrive at the hospital at 7 AM. I was 90% effaced and finger-tip dilated. Got there at 7:30, and had the IV started by 8 (with Pitocin). By 10:20, I was 3 cm, completely effaced and the dr broke my water. The cx's started to get a bit intense, so I had some Nubain about 1:30 PM. By 3PM I was 5 cm and in a lot of pain, so I asked for an epidural, and what a difference it made. I slept from 3:30 to 4:30, all the while having cx's one minute apart (according to DH, who likes to watch the monitors). At 4:40, dr said I was 7 cm and was predicting a 5 PM baby. About 4:55, I had an urge to push (I didn't have an epidural for my first, so I felt very different), and sure enough, was fully dilated. Dr had me push between cx (because I had torn so bad with my first) and at 5:11PM, Elizabeth Ann arrived, 21", 7lbs 10oz, and I had torn a little along the old scar and a small episoitomy down the middle.

So here we are 2 days later, and I feel a hundred times better now than I did with my first at this time.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for posting so openly and honestly on this board. I learned a lot, laughed, cried, and just felt like I had been chatting with some of my best friends (although most of them still have'nt had any children yet).

See you on the playgroup!

Pam and Betsy 4/8