Birth: Blissful experience even with epi problems.
Buddy John White's WONDERFUL arrival on Sunday, May 3--7.7lb, 21 5/8 in... (birth story)...
Many of you know how miserble I was awaiting Buddy's arrival--I was a week overdue and felt like a swollen whale. I thought he would never get here and figured I was going to have to wait another week and be induced.
On saturday night (May 2nd), John and I took a LONG walk. Then we went to Wal-mart and walked the entire store. I figured, as always, walking wasn't going to do me any good.
On Sunday morning (May 3rd), I woke John up at 6:40 am and said "something's wrong!" I had this strong pain like cramps, and then it went away. In another 5 minutes, another pain, lasting about 30 seconds. We began timing, and the pains were 3-7 minutes apart. I also had a bloody show. I KNEW this was labor (you know how people said "you'll KNOW you're in labor"??) We called the OB and she said go to the hospital.
We checked in and they put me on a monitor. Contractions 5-7 minutes, 1-2 cm, 50% effaced. They told me to walk for an hour and they'd monitor me again--same. However, I found the contractions VERY painful, so they decided to go ahead with the epidural. They also started an IV and cranked up the pitocin.
They did the epi and immediately i had relief, BUT I felt like my right leg was a huge inflated numb sausage, and I could still feel my left leg. The epi was only 1/2 effective. They ended up having to re-do the epi, hours later. They had to stick the needle in 6 times (took forever!) HOwever, this epi worked and I didn't feel anymore pain...aaahhhhhhh...
I stayed at 4 cm for hours. John stayed with me, and we either watched TV or we talked. The lights were low and it was very peaceful. I went from 4 to 10 cm very quickly and then started feeling pressure in my vagina. The nurse said I could try pushing--OH BOY was that difficult. I had trouble pushing 3 times to the count of ten for every contraction. I pushed for 2 hours, and was making progress, but Buddy's heartbeat had dropped and the OB decided to use suction to get him out. Once she used the suction, I pushed him out in 3 pushes.
I had my eyes closed, and they said "Baby's here!" they laid him on my tummy, and I felt him--warm, wet--he was crying. He was pooping and peeing everywhere. John told me right before Buddy was born, he saw the OB give me an injection and take the scissors and make 2 cuts (said it sounded like rose stems being trimmed!)
I got to hold Buddy for about 1/2 hour while the OB stitched me up and delivered the placenta (ouch! hurt worse than the birth) John went with him to the nursery. They moved me to the maternity ward, and I was in pain--cramping that felt like labor--I told the nurse and she examined my belly--it was really swollen. My bladder was too full!!! I could not feel the urge to pee, and when I did, nothing came out. So I spent 45 minutes on the toilet, pushing on my bladder, getting everything out--what a relief!!!
I spent the next day and a half not sleeping, but in an incedible state of bliss. I can say the hosptial food was great, the nurses were great, and although I was swollen and exhausted, I have never been happier or more proud. Breastfeeding was not going well until one of the wonderful nurses really showed me how to feed--she grabbed my breast and pushed Buddy's head right onto it--he latched on and what a relief!!!
I could go on and on, but I can honestly say that this enitre experience was like going to a resort. i have never been so close to bliss in my entire life--John agrees. The nurses were angels!!!
I was so afraid of giving birth--I had NO IDEA it would be this wonderful!!!
I am sore from having a lot of stitches, but I have pain medication, and I feel SO MUCH BETTER than I did pregnant!!!
Buddy Is so beautiful!!! I never thought I would find anything so beautiful or feel so much love in my heart...OK, I if you;re still with me, I will say that the misery of pregnancy was worth having my little Buddy. Thank you to all who helped me along the way.
April & Little Bud