Parents: Ginger and William
Sibling: Greyson (2)
Baby: Duncan
Born: April 7, 1998 (Due 4/24)
Weight: 9 lbs. 5.7 oz
Length: 21 1/2 inches
Birth: Induction with cervical lip - epidural NO help!
As you may already know, I went to the hospital Monday night the 6th, to get the p-gel, and be induced the morning of the 7th. I didn't need the gel, because I was contracting, was 60% effaced and 2 cent. dilated. So, we were to wait until the morning for the pit. They started the pit at about 6:30, and the contractions started to become more regular and I could start to feel slight discomfort. At about 8:30, my doctor broke my water. He said I could have the epidural at any time even though I was still only at 2 cent. At about 3 cent. I was feeling pretty uncomfortable but not unbearable. The thing was that my cervix was still very posterior and needed to move forward. My nurse said she was going to have to keep upping the pit so I may want to get the epidural. I agreed. By the time I was getting it I was in a lot of pain and glad I decided to get it when I did. After it was in life was so much better. Only to take a turn for the worse. Apparently I had a cervical lip caught on Duncan's head that wouldn't move beyond it. This unfortunately made the effectiveness of the epi non existent in my painful opinion. I tell the nurse I'm experiencing pain and it's getting worse with each contraction, which were very close at this point. The anasthesiologist said he could have guessed I had this cervical lip thing and gave me more meds. NO relief, I asked for more. In the end he gave me as much as he would give someone having a c-section, and no relief for me. Let me say I was not a happy camper at this point. I was trying to breathe through the contractions and DH was a wonder. I said I was feeling pressure and I went from 4 to 9 cent. in 30 minutes!!! They quickly paged my doctor and said I could push. I told them I couldn't because I was in so much pain. I just told them to get the baby out NOW!! The anesth. who was still in the room, was quickly putting on gloves and I was wondering what he was doing. Well, he had to "catch" Duncan who delivered himself while my doctor walked in after the head was out and watched. The next contraction brought the body and I finally felt the release. We have a great video of Duncan getting suctioned while his body was still in my body. Also, apparently, earlier in my pregnancy when Duncan could still move around, he managed to tie his cord in a perfect knot. He weighed 9 lbs. 5.7 ounces, was 21 1/2 inches long, had a 15 inch head, and he was 2 1/2 weeks before his due date. Thank God we didn't wait any longer. He is the most perfect baby. He never cries and has the most smooth flawless skin. He's long and lean and loves to be held. He nursed about 30 minutes after he was born and latched on and has been nursing like a pro ever since.
The experience was not what I expected but it had the greatest outcome. Duncan put me through the ringer, but only for about 2 1/2 hours. The whole process was 7 hours. I have a small tear along my old scar. Not too bad for a 15 inch head.
For those of you still reading my long winded version, thanks for sticking with me. I find it so hard to decribe the emotions and wonders of the experience. I truly don't think there are words that can express the joy and elation of meeting that child and giving it it's first kiss from it's mommy. I thank God for the miracle of children and that he's blessed me.
Ginger and Duncan