Birth: C-section because of failure to progress due to old scar tissue.
Firstly, sorry its taken so long to make the announcement--but things didn't go as planned...I wont tell all of you the grusome details, only the pertinent info, because it could only happen to me.
I went into the hospital on April 14--the doc planned on using the gel to start labour, but couldn't because I was already having contrax 3 minutes make a long story short...we made the decision to go on the drip...but after 14 hours I only dilated to 3 10 pm they took me off the drip and sedated me for the night (I was having contrax one on top of the other for more than 7 hours)...the next day they tried the drip again, but it failed to dilate me any more...the OB wanted to send me to the city to have a specialist look at me...I freaked out and begged for a c-section....
Corin "Cory" Lucas, was born by c-section at 7:44 pm on April 15 and weighed in at 8 pounds 14 ounces...turns out that it was a good thing I made the decision to have the section...because when I was a baby I had surgery that left my pelvis full of scar tissue which made it imposible for Cory to enter the birth canal. Needless to say we were very relieve to have the baby out safe and sound, the OB said there would have been all kinds of complications if we hadn't made the decision when we did. (I had a spinal---thought the feeling was really cool!)
Hope all of you who are still waiting are doing well, I'm off to the playgroup! Take care and safe labouring.
Leann and Cory:^)