
Parents: Barbara and dh
Sibling: Maria
Baby: Thomas Javier
Date: Friday, March 27th
Time: 6:28 am
Weight: 6 lbs., 5 oz
Length: 21 inches
Birth: Successful VBAC at 37 weeks with a doula

He was born on Friday, March 27th at 6:28 am. 6 lbs., 5 oz. and 21 inches long. Not bad for 3 weeks early!

I'd been having irregular but constant contractions since the previous Saturday. In keeping a labor log, I realized Wed. night that many of them were less than 5 minutes apart. But as usual, they stopped around midnight so I went to bed.

I called my OB Thurs. morning to check on the parameters for when to go to the hospital (I knew I would have to go in in very early labor because of group B strep). My OB was surprised about the contractions and told me to come right into his office (forget the lunch I just made). He checked me, and I was 3 cm and 75% effaced. Only 2 days before I'd been 2 cm and 50%! He asked me to go to the hospital to be checked on the EFM, and to bring my DH and all our labor stuff. I thought he was kidding, but he wasn't! So off our daughter went to the neighbors, and off we went to the hospital!

Well, it was 3:15 in the pm, no contractions at all. The nurses got me all set, and my OB checked me again. In two hours I'd gone from 3cm to 4 cm without any noticeable cx!! Knowing I wanted as natural a VBAC possible, OB suggested nipple stimulation to get things going. Boy, was he ever shocked at how well this works - within a couple of hours I was up to 6 cm and still handling cx very well.

Then things got iffy. My nipples got tired around 9pm (yours would too after 5 hours of stimulation!) and cx slowed down. By midnight they'd stopped altogether, and I was still at 6 cm. OB broke my waters (felt very interesting), but still no go. By 3 am, still at 6 cm, on came the pitocin. I was very scared about this, and by 4:30 the cx were so close and hard (and all in my butt, believe it or not) that I couldn't take it any more. When the nurse told me I was still stuck at 6 cm, I started to cry and asked for medication.

My doula knew that I wanted a natural birth with no meds, and she tried to get me to agree to another internal before the epidural. I just couldn't, the internals were so painful at that point. See, I was shaking uncontrollably, losing my cool, saying I couldn't do it anymore, feeling nauseous - all classic signs of being in transition. This is not normally a time when epidurals will be given, because one is so close to pushing. But they realized it was either that or a cesarean, so they gave me a very light epidural.

Well, I still felt everything, but not so bad as before. WITHIN 30 MINUTES I WENT FROM 6 TO 10 CM!!!! All I needed was that chance to relax a bit!

Well, pushing started at 5:30 am and went on for an hour (even though it felt like 15 minutes). It was wonderful! I loved every minute of it. I was doing it - a VBAC!!! Thomas popped out at 6:28 with the cord around his neck. Then his body slid out (again felt great) and they put him on my chest. DH and my mother were there, all crying, the doula was taking pictures, and I was elated!

I will never understand the concept of repeat elective cesarean - the VBAC was just so fantastic! And I feel great. Nursing is well-established after 2 nasty days of engorgement. Thomas gained back his birthweight by the 6th day, one week early. A touch of jaundice, but no need to treat. Each evening he nurses almost constantly, "tanking up". Then he gives me at least 3 or 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep (all of us together in our bed). Last night he slept from midnight til 5 am, and again from 6 to 8 am. That was such a treat!

Well, I won't say all is hunky dory. I am tired, and my left nipple is very tender. DH is back to work from 10:30 am til 11 pm, which sucks. But Thomas is beautiful, and my daughter Maria says she loves him. We all do!

Now, how am I ever going to catch up on all your posts??

Congrats to all other new moms. Hang in there, everybody else, and stock up on extra rest now!

Happily, Barbara (was due 4/15. gave birth 3/27)