
Mom: Mindy
Baby: Ali Anne
Date: April 2, 1998
Time: 12:22
Weight: 9 lbs. 11 1/2 oz
Length: 20 1/2 inches
Birth: Speedy delivery: induction but no pain meds.

On Wednesday the 1st I went for my dr's appt with my bags packed. He checked and there was still no change in the cervix, soft, but high and anterior. So off to the hospital for Cervidil. I hung out at the hospital all afternoon and evening. Finally about 830 pm the contractions were getting uncomfortable. By about 1030 I was having alot of trouble getting thru them. The pain wasn't so bad--the pressure sure was. My husband and nurse didn't think I should be feeling that way since I wasn't dialating and they basically seemed to act like I was a weenie or something. At 1130, the nurse got the ok from the dr for a sleeing pill. After spending a few minutes watching me go thru the contractions, she called him again and he ok'd Demoral with the pill. So she came into change the Cervidil and I went beserk. She put me on my left side afterwards and I started pushing like crazy. Only thing was, I had NO control over it. Noone believed that I could be pushing since she had just checked me and I was at 2 cm at the most. I was almost hysterical--my body was completely out of my control and that scared me! She walked back out of the room to call the dr again, my DH leaned over the bed at midnight to call my mom to come up and help, and WHAM my water broke!! So he went out into the hall and got the nurse, who was in complete disbelief--until she checked me and felt a HEAD!! Boy did things fly into action then!!

My water broke at 1205 and my "immature moose" as the dr called her arrived at 1222!!! The dr made it there in 6 minutes and got to give the ol' episiotomoy!! But at that point I didn't care! Aili weighed in at 9 pounds 11 1/2 ounces and 20 1/2 inches long. Same length as my son, but a whole 2 pounds more!!! I did the whole thing with no meds--which makes me feel pretty good--but the feelings were so intense--I really had some trouble dealing with all of it.

But we are home now and other than a little mix up of night and day, things are going well. I hope to soon have some pictures up on the web--as soon as the DH gets around to it! Good luck to those still waiting--it will happen! See you all in the playgroup!

Mindy and Aili--born April 2nd