Kimmum1st/Kim, Kevin, Zoe Marie Ola, 20-04-98 7lbs 2oz, no siblings, Vancouver, B.C. Canada.
On April 20, at 12:45pm, my water broke while I was having tea with friends! What a surprise, but I was so glad that I was at HOME when it happened! I called the hospital and they told me to come down to get checked, I wasn't having contractions at the time. So I paged my husband (I was so glad to finally use our "911" code that we had planned for so long!) He was home in all of 10 minutes which is very speedy considering the distance! When we got to the hospital it was confirmed that it was my water that borke but they sent me home since I wasn't contracting and told me to come back in at 8:00pm that evening for a NS test. Well, by 3:30pm the contractions started. They were about 15 minutes apart until about 7:00pm then they got down to about 5 min. I should have gone back to the hospital at about 6:00pm when they were getting really bad but for some reason I had 8:00 pm still stuck in my head so I just kept waiting! We got to the hospital at 8 and to my surprise I was already 7 cm. Excruciating pains at this time of coarse, which means that I was going through active labour at home and didn't know it. I must say the T.V. was a GREAT distraction, there I was straddling a chair, watching Entertainment Tonight! (It sure entertained me THAT night!) At 9:30pm I started pushing and Had Zoe Marie Ola at 10:25pm. The only thing I used was laughing gas (I sure wasn't laughing!!!) I had a "textbook" labour so so they said, I was really lucky-also considering she was my first! We then had 27 people come into the labour room to welcome our little one and has had us in heaven ever since!
Thanks Toby!
Kim and Zoe