Parents: Kim and Jeff
Baby: Tyler
Date: March 29, 1998
Time: 1:31 am
Birth: C-section after epidural for back labor and some fetal distress
This is the first time since I got home on Wednesday that I have been up to getting on the computer. My little Tyler is one week old today. I am so proud of him. He is beautiful. He was worth the trauma on my body. If you read my husbands post from the last board you know I had a C-Section.
On Friday, March 27 Jeff and I went for a walk around our apartment complex. I could not sleep friday night. It was 2:30 when I finally got in the bed. Jeff's alarm went off at 3:30am and I woke up in a puddle. My water had broken, I ran to the bathroom with water running down my legs. Jeff was supposed to go to work at 5:30am, instead he was on the phone calling for a replacement, and calling the hospital. We arrived at the hospital at 4:30am and my contractions were going strong by 6:00am. Since I was only fingertip dilated and barely effaced they gave me pitocin. I had strong contractions for about 6 hours and then I begged for the epidural. It was bad back labor. At midnight they decided that Tyler could not continue to endure the stress of the irregular contractions and decreasing bp and heart rate. They rushed us in for a C-section after telling us about all the risks...infection, hysterectomy, transfusions, etc. At 1:31 on Sunday morning Tyler joined us with a shout. Tyler and I stayed in the hospital until Wednesday afternoon.
I wanted to breastfeed, but when my milk came in on Tuesday, Tyler started to reject my breast, so we are using formula. We gave breastfeeding a shot but it didn't work out for us.
It is amazing that even when things don't go as planned they can turn out to be a positive experience. I would not change a minute of it for anything.