

Birth: Very fast, but intense labor and delivery



As a first time mom, I must say that my experience was unbelievable. My due date wasn't until 4/30. I was hoping to go early as some of you may recall from my posts. Well, I did! Alexandra Lee arrived Friday, April 24, 1998 at 12:41 p.m. weighing in at 61bs 11.9oz and 18.4 inches long with quite the head of black hair! My birth story is short. Because overall my birthing experience was just that...short!


Friday morning I went to get into my truck to go to work at 7:45 a.m. My bag I carrier to work everday fell over and my muffin landed on the floor of the passenger side. I bent over to pick it up and I felt a big gush. I sat there for a few seconds thinking...I just pee'd before I left... could it be?!?! Well i felt another little gush and thought I better go back inside the house and check it out. Well I was totally soaked by the time I got to the house. My DH met me at the door, he was watching me the whole time, and asked why I was back and why I walking so funny. I told him I thought my water broke. So he jumped in the shower and I made a few phone calls to the DR. Was told to go directly to the birthing center. We got there around 9:00 a.m. They got me all hooked up by 9:30 and told me to lay down for 1 hour so they could check the fluid to make sure it was my membranes. While laying there my back started to hurt a little. It wasn't anything major just a few contractions that seemed so much worse because I was on my back. I figured as soon as I could stand I would feel better. We'll they came in around 10:30 checked the fluid, yes it was my membranes, and I was dialated to 3CM. Was told to get up and move around, which was heaven to my ears. Once up and about my contractions got more intense, so the nurse said I can check you in a little while and we can talk about pain control then. Fine. Well at about 11:30 or 11:45 she checked me (about 1 hour later) as I was saying to my husband.. IF this early labor, I am not going to make it, this is intense. The nurse's eye's just got huge and she said well, no drugs for you, your at 9 cm and totally effaced.. you'll be pushing in a matter of minutes. I totally freaked...the pain was just unbelievable and I figured I would need something to make it the rest of the way. I was just upset thinking I couldn't go any further (I'm a wimp when it comes to pain). She said that once I'm able to push I won't be in that intense pain. Wow was she right! Pushing was the best feeling ever. I pushed for about 30-45 minutes and Alex was born. Talk about an experience. I did tear a little but the dr said it was a perfect tear she couldn't have done an episitomy any better. I truly never felt the tear.


My dh was absolutely wonderful. I admit I was turning into some ungodly creature with those contractions coming on so intensely. Now I realize that I did handle them better than I thought since it wasn't early labor I was in, it was transition. My birth expereince was the talk of the hospital, with labor not really starting until 10:30 a.m. and Alex being born 2 hours and 11 minutes later, for a first time birth, I was envied by all.


I have not seen my dh cry in years...needless to say he could not hold back. Even after the birth while telling people about it over the phone he would get all teary eyed. I truly did not expect this reaction from him. I can't even express how seeing him like that made me feel. (o.k. i'm crying about it again).


He is totally in love with his daughter. I had everyone in his and my family convinced we were having a boy. We've been calling by belly "him" for the last 3 months. No specific reason to suspect it was a boy... thought I had mothers intuition and a palm reader told me I was going to have two childred, both boys. Guess I learned my lessen. My dh wanted a girl from the beginning so I'm glad it turned out the way it did. I wanted a girl too but either way would have been fine and I finally convinced myself it was a boy.


Well so much for a "short" birth story. You get talking about it and there doesn't seem like much to tell but there is!


Congrats to all new mom's in April. Hang in there any of you that are still waiting! It is well worth the wait! Going to check on my daughter now... See you in the playgroup!


Kelly and Alexandra (Alex)!