Parents: Kelly and Tim
Brother: Timmy
Baby: Will
Born: March 29, 1998 (Due April 10)
Time: 10:17 pm
Weight: 8 lbs. 1 oz.
Length: 21 inches
Birth: Long "natural" childbirth story.
First, let me apologize if this is excessively long, and not eloquently written. I tend to write as I speak, therefore, making grammatical errors and such!!
I was 4cm/80% effaced at my 38 week appointment on Friday, but the ultrasound showed that the placenta was not quite ready for an induction, so we scheduled it for Tuesday (yesterday). I started having what I thought were contractions on Saturday, but they didn't hurt and weren't even uncomfortable, so I didn't pay them any attention. I went to the grocery store and stocked up on easily prepared foods and snacks since I knew that at the latest, we'd have a baby on Tuesday. I cleaned the apartment top to bottom and got *all* my laundry done :)
Sunday, I noticed that I was still having contractions, but they still didn't hurt -- not even uncomfortable. At my DH's insistence, I began to keep track of them and they were 2-3 minutes apart. I really didn't think they meant anything and wasn't even sure they were contractions -- I kinda thought they may be the baby "balling" up instead.
Well, I continued to have these contractions all morning and into the afternoon, with them staying 2-3 minutes apart. My DH, who had gone to work, decided to come home and call the doctor since I wouldn't do it! :) I just knew he'd tell me that yea, maybe it was contractions, but since I wasn't even uncomfortable, just wait and see what happens.
We finally talked to the doctor about 4:30 in the afternoon, and he said that he couldn't tell me what was going on over the phone, and that I really should be checked since I was already at 4 on Friday, so we decided to meet him at the hospital at 6pm. I was so sure that I was going to be sent home that I called my best friend and told them that I was really craving Olive Garden, and would they like to meet us for dinner later that evening.
She, too, thought I was nuts!! We arrived at L&D a little after 6 (I wouldn't let DH go through emergency since I was so certain we'd be leaving shortly -- so we walked up there). The nurses were so great, they got us in the room, showed me the lovely hospital gown and got me set-up on the monitors. Sure enough, I *was* having contractions and they were 2-3 minutes apart. The L&D nurse wanted to check me before calling the doctor, and she found me to be 5cm, still 80%. She and I both discussed the possibility/probability of my doctor breaking my water now instead of Tuesday, since I was there, and obviously moving ahead.
Doctor comes in around 6:45 and says that he understands I'd like to have a baby today instead of Tuesday, I say, well, if I'm ready, and you think it's best, let's do it! So at 6:50pm, my water was broken. The only comment I'll make about that was, it's a good thing I can swim!! The doctor even commented on the amount of fluid -- they had to completely change me and my bedding! Eewww -- at least it was warm! I didn't notice any immediate change in my contractions, it took about 45 minutes to an hour and I realized that they were getting stronger, and the "peaks" were getting longer. My L&D nurse was wonderful! She kept asking me if she could get me anything and kept commenting on how great of a patient I was! She wanted to check me about 8:30, and waiting until after I had a contraction, checked me, and found me to be 6+ and 90% thinned. They were beginning to get uncomfortable, and I was so glad to hear that I was almost into transition. Her shift ended at 11pm and she had told DH she'd work over since I was so close to delivering, but I told her not to worry, that transition was NOT a place I would be "hanging out" for any length of time and I'd be finished having this baby well before 11pm :)
About 9:30, my contractions got rough! Real rough! I'd feel one peak,begin to subside, and darn if it didn't peak again. After about 30 minutes of these "double-headed" contractions, she noticed that I was exhibiting signs of pushing. She checked me, stated I was complete, paged my doctor and said that with the next contraction I could push if I wanted. IF I wanted?? Yea, right -- I was pushing whether I wanted or not!! doctor comes in and they start breaking my bed down, getting my stirrups out, etc. I told my nurse I think I want a mirror so she runs and grabs that and the action begins. My stirrups were placed in a position that allowed me to press down while pushing -- let me see if I can explain this correctly -- they were positioned parallel with my bed, just a littlelower,so that when I pushed, I kinda pushed my body up off the bed -- does that make sense? I found it helped to hold on to the bed above my head and push that way instead of trying to break my DH's hand! After 4 contractions (double-peakers) and 30 minutes of intense pushing, I heard the doctor say that with the next contraction the head would be there. Do you know at that point I literally had about a 2 minute gap between contractions? I kinda pushed myself up and looked down at the doctor, who's just sitting there, all ready to proceed, and there is "nothing" going on!! I asked, real calmly, Are ya'll waiting on me? He laughed and said, yea, let's go! So I laid back down and just waited -- I KNEW there'd be another contraction and when I felt it begin, I said, all right, let's get this going! One push, and I heard my nurse saying Look Kelly, look, look, and the doctor was showing me the head coming out -- AWESOME is the only way to describe! absolutely awesome!! I also became acutely familiar with the phrase RING OF FIRE! But, it didn't last long! Then, I actually felt his shoulders being born, then he just slid out of me and the next thing I knew there was this cheesy, screaming baby laying on me -- I rubbed his feet, tushy, legs, entire lower body (along with DH) while the doctor suctioned him. Then we tried to nurse, and just held and cuddled with him while I delivered the placenta, although I don't remember much of that part at all. (He was born at 10:17pm)
I did receive an episiotomy, and I also had slight tearing, but only required 5 stitches, and it wasn't as severe as my first. Will wasn't too interested in nursing right off, but he was so alert, and quite interested in snuggling with both me and DH. After I got cleaned up, the nurse got Timmy and the 4 of us spent about 45 minutes together. My wonderful nurse even took lots of video of all of us, and a ton of still photos for us, then she left us alone to spend time together.
I forgot to mention that DH cut the cord, while the nurse videod. I felt the cord pulsating -- neat, very neat!!
After Timmy and we had our "family" time, the rest of our family came in and spent about an hour with us before they took Will to the nursery. He is beautiful, but, I'm a little partial!
Oh, when my contractions started double peaking, I decided that I would try a dose of Nubain. My nurse got it immediately for me, and it really did help me relax between contractions, but "didn't" change the way the actual contraction felt.
Pushing was extremely hard work, and I remember groaning/grunting during that part -- this may sound weird -- but it hurt, in a feel-good kind of way. Maybe some of you who have delivered will understand that!!
I was able to go to the nursery to watch Will get his first bath -- they had to delay it due to his temp being low, and by the time they were ready to do it, my poor DH was unconscious!! (He'd been up since 3:30am Sunday morning, and worked until 4pm.) So I got my post-partum nurse to wheel me to the nursery and I got to watch. I also nursed him there so that he could get back to the warmer when we were done. They nursery nurses were so nice!!
I guess this is really long enough -- I'm still in shock that something so beautiful and so perfect came from my body. I'm also feeling a little lonely -- I really miss him being inside me, and being totally mine!! Will was 8#1oz when born, 7#10oz when discharged. He is 21 inches long and is lanky! He's actually kinda skinny compared to his big brother at birth! (Timmy had about 6 chins!) Will also has very long arms -- they are almost funny looking they are so long. His torso is long, but his legs aren't!! He's got a head full of brown hair and beautiful blue eyes.
I'll post about nursing and our first night home in a separate note to help cut down on the length! I hope nobody was bored to sleep with this!!
I'd do it again tomorrow if necessary -- its worth it, everybit!!!
Kelly Freeman and Will, due 4/10, born 3/29