
Mom: Jessica


-born at 7:02am, weighing 4lbs 3oz


-born at 7:08am, weighing 4lbs 6oz

Born: Wednesday, March 18, 1998

I have some really wonderful news! I'm now a mommy to two wonderfully beautiful little girls. Here's a quick summary of my "story":

I was at a church service on Tuesday, March 17, 1998. The meeting conluded at approximately 10:15pm, and I sat around chatting with some of my friends, like I usually do at church. All of a sudden, I got my first real contraction--much different from a Braxton-Hicks contraction. I didn't say anything, and it soon went away...however, I started to get them again, and realized I was in labour. I told one of my friends, who called my friend, Nicole (the one who was going to go into the delivery room with me). Ryan was there, and he drove me to the hospital right away. My contractions were coming about every 5 minutes, and I was in a lot of pain... Nicole went to my house to pick up my bag, then met us at the hospital. I got settled into a room and very soon, my water broke. I was at about 2cm at that time. My doctor arrived and told me that I was likely in for a long night, so I should just relax. I tried, but it was pretty hard to "relax"! At about 6:30 am, my Doctor came back to check on me, and I was at 9cm! About a half hour later, I felt the urge to push, and finally the Dr. said it was okay to push, so I did, and out came baby #1 at 7:02am. Hearing her cry was absolutely the most breathtaking thing in the world. A couple minutes later, I once again got the urge to push, and at 7:08, out came baby #2!

Ryan and Nicole were both there with me all night supporting me, and they were both present for the birth of the girls...Here's the birth announcement:

****************************************************** Jessica Chambers is thrilled to announce the birth of her identical twin daughters:

SIERRA JESSICA KEZIA FAITH: -born at 7:02am, weighing 4lbs 3oz


SERENA EMILY CHLOE JOY: -born at 7:08am, weighing 4lbs 6oz

They were born on March 18, 1998. ******************************************************

Well, if anyone feels like e-mailing me--please go ahead. My e-address is

If anyone has ICQ and wants to chat sometime--also feel free--my number is 9444479.

Talk to you all later!
