Birth: Cord around baby’s neck caused major distress. 5 days NICU, fine now.
Benjamin was born on 4/21, two days after his due date. So I didn't have to wait too long. I went for a walk three times on Monday, 4/20, so that definitely helped speed the process (not to mention the sex on Saturday and Sunday). Monday night I went to bed with minor contractions, woke hubby up at 1:30 when they were getting painful. We had a hard time timing them because I seemed to get them in twos - one big one, one small one, and then nothing for a while. Had me really confused. But they were definitely getting more intense and closer together. It was back labor - Kevin did a great job of applying pressure to my back during each contraction. Called the midwife about 4 am, and we were on our way to the hospital (after some last-minute hospital bag packing!) Took a long hot shower there, my parents arrived, the contractions were getting REALLY painful and I was screaming / blowing through them. About 9 am our "natural" birth plan fell apart when the fetal monitor showed that baby's heartrate wasn't recovering after each contraction. Turns out he had the cord wrapped and it was getting pinched off. So we had all sorts of interventions, everything except a c-section - oxygen for me, drugs to slow the contractions down, internal fetal monitor, epidural, then later pitocin to get me to dilate enough to push the baby out, then when I was ready to push it was a frantic scene in the delivery room as we were trying to get the baby out quickly because his oxygen was getting cut off. There were 8 doctors and nurses in there, including the neonatologist because we knew baby would need immediate attention. Doctor tried forceps (didn't work), vacuum (that's when she found the cord around the baby's neck), then I just pushed him out (with the help of a large episiotomy) at 3:53 pm. He was born not breathing or moving - apgar was 2. I was crying with relief and fear as they quickly got his lungs going with artificial respirator, then whisked him off to neonatal ICU.
Our little miracle bounced back. He is home now after 5 days in ICU and he is perfectly normal. We are working on the breastfeeding thing. It's not the birth I wanted but I am grateful to the staff that took care of us at the hospital, and to God for our son's life.
I forgot to post the website address to see Benjamin's picture - you can see him at http://www.inspirationpoint.com/ipabout.htm