Mom: Jamie D. Fisher
Baby: Logan Jonathan Fisher
Born: April 8, 1998
Weight: 8 lbs., 6 1/2 oz
Length: 20 inches
Birth: LONG, ending in c-section. Link to page with pictures!
Someday I will write my birth story, but for now, let me just tell you all that I set records at my local hospital for the longest labor and delivery ever! Prodromal labor for 1 1/2 weeks followed by 2 1/2 hours of pushing and finally a c-section. WOW! Logan was not aligned properly and the doctors said that I never would have been able to push him out vaginally. The poor thing has a hematoma on the side of his head from me pushing so hard for so long :( I cannot believe how much in love I am with my son. I cry at the silliest things and just looking at him melts my heart. He is the greatest thing I have ever done in my life.
Here is a link to his web page. The home page has the basic info and the link to his photo album has more pics of the birth. There are also photos of his room, our kitties, our wedding and links to other sites as well.
God bless all of you and thank you so much for all of the support throughout these very long 9 (10) months.
Exceedingly proud mommy of Logan Jonathan, Jamie D. Fisher