Mom: Jacky
Baby: Jenna Megan
Date: Tuesday, March 31st
Time: 1:30 pm
Weight: 5 lbs. 14 oz
Birth: Fast birth with very little warning beforehand!
I haven't been posting a lot but thought I'd add my birth story - on my last post I had complained that NOTHING was happening and I was getting impatient since I had no signs, even though I was due Apr 3rd.
Well, to those in the same boat be warned things can happen awfully fast! Last Monday (mar 30) evening I am still feeling as I did a month ago - even was in my class for night school(!). Tues AM my DH woke me at 4 am - we thought my water had broken (it hadn't - still not sure what that wet spot was!), I had a show and lost my plug. We went to the hospital at 8:30 am - contractions were about 5 minutes apart - only to be sent home because I was 0% dilated. (now that I know what REAL contractions are I won't go to the hospital so early again!). Anyway, we went back at 12:30 pm - by that time I was 5cm dilated. To help the pain i had a shower at 1 pm, my water broke (actually exploded would be more accurate) and by 1:15 i was 9cm, and pushing. Things were a blur after that - the baby's heart rate was only 60 and she was in some distress so she had to come out, and all of a sudden there were 10 people in the room, and i was on oxygen and iv. Things happened so fast everyone was taken off guard and even DH had to help in the delivery by holding my leg up for the suction (ouch!!) Jenna was born at 1:30pm - 15 minutes from my water breaking to delivery, 1 hour after I showed up at the hospital! It was totally overwhelming, and scary for a while (you should see the picture of DH even 4 hours later :)) but little Jenna was fine as soon as she got out. She weighed in at only 5lbs, 14oz (i had measured small throughout my pregancy) and is the cutest thing we have ever seen. We are home and fine and things are great.
So good luck and hang in there everyone. I look forward to seeing you in the April playgroup!
Jacky and Jenna