Birth: Quick labor,so no epi god. Group B Strep positive.
I had a 6pm Dr appt on Thurs 4/16 . As I previously posted I was 4 cm at my last week appt. Things were the same 4/16. My Dr stripped my membrane ..(. took a couple of seconds and I didn't feel a thing.) and hoped I would see her soon. She was on call from Friday at 7:00am through the entire weekend. I was hoping I would go into labor while she was on call because we had a nice talk about my previous two labors progressing rapidly and I never had time for an epidural or other pain relief. She agreed to give the epi at 4 cm if I was in active labor! YES. By 8pm I was starting to contract fairly regularly but they were not getting any more intence.. more false labor I thought... but kept timing. by 10pm they were progressing and I callled my mom to stay with the kids. Called the hospital to tell them we were on our way and the cx were 5 min apart. They said to take my shower etc and come in. Yea right. We left right away and by the time I got to the hospital (11pm) they were 2 min apart and I could not walk through them. They took their time assessing the situation. I asked about the epidural and explained that my previous labors had been quick after I reached a certian point. The nurses were wonderful but I dont think they believed me entirely... or thought O.K but this doesnt mean this will progress at the same pace. I agree it didnt. I got an IV (strep B pos) and they did the lab work. I asked for something for pain before epi could be done. I got stadol... I recomend it. It took enough of the edge off to make transition a little easier. The resident wanted to break my water right away, but the nurse talked her out of it because they wanted to get more antibiotic in me before birth. I asked when they do the second bag of penicillin, the nurse said there should be 4 hours between doses. I don't think so. Any way my water breaks at 1am , the resident checks I'm at 7-8 cm and cx are coming quickly. My husband and I look at each other and realize no epidural god for me. Oh well mind over matter I think I have done this before I can do it again. A short time later I need to push... Actually I tell the nurse in the room that we are pushing NOW! She yells for the other nurse and resident (JR RESIDENT) ..who askes if there is time to call SR RESIDENT...NO. While the nuses scramble to take bed apart and put stirups in my daughters head is being born! Nurse #1 has her hand there to catch her..Resident is a bit flustered and tries to deliver rest of baby. Because no one was there the shoulders hurt quite a bit being delivered and I think that is what made me tear. Katherine Grace was born at 1:58am April 17, 8lbs 5oz 21 inches long. Has lots of dark hair (1st two are blonds??) The really good part is they gave her to me right away and let us alone in the LDR room for a good hour to nurse and meet her before the even took her out to weigh her etc. She came out rooting and nursed right away. Very mixed emotions about this delivery, since everyone is healthy Im not looking at this as a bad hospital exprience. The nurses were really very supportive during labor and again in the OB wing after recovery. Big sister and brother are in Love and quite excited about our new addition. Sorry for being soooo long, but once you start typing it seems to just flow out! For those of you still waiting be patient, they do come when they are ready. She was the first one that I did not deliver early, but she was not "over done" and was completely coverd in vernex. Thanks for being here and congratulations to all of the new moms and babies.
Jackie due 4/17.... delv. 4/17 Katherine Grace.