Parents: Giskin and Anthony
Baby: Zara Lise
Born: April 8, 1998
Birth: Elective c-section
I am delighted to announce the birth of Zara Lise by elective C-section last Wednesday. I was scheduled for surgery at 9.00 but they suddenly had four emergency sections and I eventually was wheeled in at about 4 pm. The staff were fabulous, they made small talk to me to reassure me while the spinal was done and soon we were underway with my husband by my side. I must say, the op itself was quite uncomfortable - I felt no pain but I could feel my innards being manipulated! Because she was breech it took a little longer than 5 mins to get her out. The paediatrician checked her and came over to me with the best 7 words I have ever heard: 'Congratulations, you have a healthy baby daughter!'. She was placed beside my head for about 5 minutes - she tugged at my ears. Then the midwife took her to the recovery room to clean her and warm her up. I had decided not to do a birth plan because the way the procedure had been explained was in line with what I would have wanted anyway. However dilemma time came when I had to decide whether I wanted Anthony to stay with me while I was stitched up or to go with Zara. I decided that I wanted him to be with our baby. The stitching didn't take long and I was soon reunited with Anthony and Zara in recovery. At this stage my incision burned a bit and I expected it to get a lot worse, so I opted for a pethidine shot. An hour or so I was back on the ward.
My recovery has been remarkable. When the pethidine wore off I didn't even notice, and my fears of the pain getting worse were unfounded. By 10 am the next morning I was up and walking. I spent 5 days in hospital but I didn't even need a paracetamol. The care I got was excellent. A team of midwives were at hand to really give a crash course in how to care for a baby, and they were great at helping getting breastfeeding established, etc. I was so grateful for their help. It gave me a real confidence boost.
Zara is a wonderful contented baby. She is feeding beautifully and we are both delighted to have her.
Good luck to all the moms still to deliver, and congratulations to all of you who already have your babies! See you on the playgroup!