Birth: happy accident results in a premi baby who is fine now!
Emily wasn't what you would call a "planned baby... after my second Becci
was born I wanted another (it must have been hormones). By the time she was
6 months old, i had changed my mind. I had my boy , i had my girl, OK 2 was
enough. My DH had a regular appt for August, and was going to talk about
getting a Vas then... Well after a "enjoyable" evening on 8-3, The next day
my side hurt, (it always did when i ovulated), I thought OH NO... nay it
couldn't happen we tryed for a year for Becci. Almost killed yourselves
those "primedays". It won't happen..... For those who have been pg before
you just know... Well after about a week ...Yep i knew... O'well , i always
did want 3...
I had gestional diabetias with Becci so the odds were good i would again...
I did. After spotting at 11 weeks. Things went well kinda smooth.. I went
right on the diet as soon as i got pg so that helped. At about 28- 29 weeks
sugers were harder to control so my Dr sent me to a Internist to control my
diabetias. Insulin here we come.. When my Dr measured me at 25 weeks i was
right where i was suppose to be. At 28 i measured a little big, by 30 i was
measuring FULL term. Ultrasounds showed excess fluid in the urteus, and a
big baby. Haveing a pelvic everyweek now. FUN... At 32 weeks he tells me
your at 4... I said 4, oh great nothing last week and 4 this week... then
he says "well you were 2 last week i just didn't tell you .*S*. After
having contractions through a stress test,making the nurse very nervous. I
was but on brethine and bed rest... Ya with 2 kids and a farm . Bedrest
sure. I did the best i could. I made it farther then my Dr though I would.
My next Dr appt was on wed. still at 4, thats good. On Fri. my contractions
changed to low in the urterus,, ut oh not a good sign... took some brethine
and went to bed. They went away. Dh had to take Becci to Dr to recheck her
ears. By the time he came home i knew we would be going in. He was suppose
to milk that night. I told him to tell his dad he's milking. I called OB.
My Dr happened to be there, an answered the phone,, relief... He said come
in and get checked, So we leave. There is the biggest full moon that
night... Get to hospital, The OB is packed. This is a very sm OB only has 6
beds and 1 labor room. Its over flowing, nurses are going nuts. The nurse
who i knew well and had been there with my other two... looked up saw me
and said" "you know the routine go get started" and pointed at the labor
room. I laughed, and had everything done but putting the belts on, i
couldn't find those... Dr. comes in and checks me..... I'm at 6 and
membranes bulging, contraction regular. Yep in full labor. Baby is footling
breech. He's afaird my water will break. With so much water and the baby
footling breech there is nothing to stop it if the water breaks, it would
come out to it head and be stuck there. Real bad. He won't even think about
putting me in a ambulance to sent me to a bigger hospital. So he starts
call everyone for a c-section. The anistielogist wasn't happy because i had
eaten about 2 hours before. Hey i was hungrey... I was in surgery with in a
hour. Emily was born at 9:37, Her ped was right there, she was with becci
too. My first question was what color is her hair... I had , had a dream
about holding a dark haired baby and saying I finally got my Emily, even
before i was Pg, with her... neat huh.. She went to the nursery and i went
to recovery. Oh ya, from the time i got to the hosp, my internist had them
doing blood sugars every 15 minutes...could have killed him... blood sugars
were fine. Got back to my room at around 11:30. Emily is holding her own so
far. Dh is tired and worried about the other two kids and goes home, i
didn't think he should because at 12:30 they come and tell me they are
shipping Emily to a NICU a hour away... Call DH's pager . He's heading
back... The ambulance gets there. I see her for all of 5 minutes and away
she goes. Dh follows shortly behind... Now I get to fight with the nurses
about pain control... The one is a floater so she is new to the OB, She
gives me demoral , which does nothing for me it never has. She tries to
tell me ..oh give it time... i tell her get me some vicodin, i know it
works.. she doesn't... meanwhile I'm really starting to hurt.. I have a
very high tolerance for pain... but its getting to me. My internist comes
in to see me, He can tell i'm hurting and asks how i'm doing ... He orders
a morphine shot to be followed by vicodin. He wants to get it under
control. The nurses are argueing about the order. Mean while the nurse goes
to LUNCH and forgets to bring me my pain control.... Nice huh... She get
back and says oh i forgot about her... I'm right outside the nurses desk
and hear all this. She's still argueing about the morphine. Finally one of
the other nurses tells her .. "Just do what the order says and stop
argueing about"... One morphine shot and a couple vicodin later and i was
fine...Now with the OB back to normal and the regular nurses are there, it
was kinda fun, we set and watched medical shows on cable and eat pizza...
By now Emily is on a vent and i'm ready to leave to go see her. I'm
released on Sun morning. Its the first i've seen any of my kids in 3 days.
Head straight to the NICU. Spend a few hours there then go home... Back to
the NICU everyday for 22 days. Emily is on a monitor for Apnea until she is
4 months old. Now she is fine. She 's the best baby so far. Easy going just
a sweet heart. Never crys unless shes tired.
Sorry this is so long... and so late.