

Birth: Back labor, labored in tub, birthed in bed.



She arrived at 1:03 AM on May first! We were able to have her at the birth center as planned. Went into be checked for labor at 4PM on thurs. and was 3-4 cm. They sent us down the street to have dinner and then get rechecked. Still 3-4 cm at 6PM. and decided to break my water. The did that at about 9PM and contractions picked up after that. BACK LABOR set in!!! It was getting pretty bad by midnight and I was only 5-6 cm. I was loosing it a bit by then and didn't want to hear that I had 4 cm to go. Soon after I started to get the urge to push wasn't supposed to. We headed for the tub and I had enough time to get in and out again because the midwife heard me grunt through a cx and announced I must be ready. The student midwife and nurse kept insisting that I was just checked and couldn't be. She asked me where I wanted to deliver bed or tub, and I replied "whatever is faster" We headed back to the bed and I got to start pushing...what a relief! She arrived only about 25 min later. I was only 8+ cm, but she was able to hold the ridge out of the way while I pushed Shea's head through.


She's 8 lbs 14oz and 21 1/2 inches long and beautiful! I'm proud to say that I made it with no drugs of any kind and we headed home 9 hours later. I feel so much better this time being home than I did with my first being in the hospital.


This turned out much longer than I expected. Congratulations to all and good luck to the still waiting club!

