It is hard to believe how much my life has changed in the past year and a half. This will be long because I want to include my birth story. My husband and I
became pregnant on the first try. We were very surprised because we had heard it takes a couple of months. I was six weeks pregnant when I went canoe
camping with my mother in the boundary waters. I carried a 40lb canoe numerous times. I waited a couple of days until I told my mother because I knew she
wouldn’t let us go the trip if she had known. I was in excellent shape. The morning sickness hit me halfway through the trip and I was green for the next 4
months. One week after the trip and a week before my first doctors appointment I started bleeding. I was sure I was having a miscarriage. The doctor did a
US and found two babies both with heartbeats. I was shocked. My husband and I did some major planning at that point. For some reason two babies made
a big difference to us. We decided I would quit my job to be a SAHM and he needed to find a job that paid more. I couldn’t quit until after the babies were
born because of numerous reasons (health insurance, money etc). And my husband was offered a job in Seattle (we were living in TX) so he moved to WA
when I was 4 months pregnant and I sat out the rest of my pregnancy alone. At 26 wks I started having contractions every 10 minutes and was put on light
duty then at 29 wks during a routine appointment they discovered I was contracting every 2-3 minutes and 90%effaced. I was on bed rest after that… I was
admitted twice when they thought the babies might come and at 35 weeks my husband frantically flew to TX on a false alarm (I had dilated to 2cm). Luckily
at that point he was able to sit out the rest of the pregnancy with me. At 35wks I got PUPS (an all over body rash like poison ivy due the pregnancy). I was
miserable. I managed three more weeks then I was doing anything and everything to go into labor. I was already contraction every 3-5 minutes for hours on
end but not progressing. Finally I went walking for 5 hours and got the contractions really going then went to the hospital and begged for induction. I got the
big 'NO!' and was sent home. So I did 5 jumping jacks and a couple of hours later my water broke. I was exhausted due the walking and driving back and
forth but at least we knew they babies were finally coming. Since they were both head down I could have a vaginal birth. We got to the hospital around
12:00 and started the waiting game. I had an epidural early at 3cm due the high potential I might have to have a C-section. After a couple of hours of slow
progress they started the pitocin. I was dilated to 10 by 6 ish. I pushed for a while then Lars started having decels in his HR so I was put on O2. With the
help of a small episiotomy and a lot of work Lars was born sunny side up at 8:50. They did a quick US and Hallie was still head down so I went back to
pushing but all a sudden her HR dropped so they pulled out the vacuum and sucked her out sunny side up too!! She was born 8:56. Both had APGARS of 9
and 9. Hallie weighed 5lb 13oz and Lars 5lb and 9oz. Both were 19 inches long. After a couple of days of battles with jaundice and poor weight gain we got
the all clear. We flew up to our new home in Seattle (filled with boxes) when they were 17 days old. I can’t believe a year has passed. My precious Hallie
has been such an angel baby waiting patiently while I fed and soothed her high maintenance brother. I am not sure how I would manage if I didn’t have such
a sweet independent little girl. And Lars we have been through some tough times together but it just strengthens our bond. You have the most wonderful
smile that lights up my day and I always marvel at where in the world I would get a little blue eyed blonde like you. I never would have believed how
wonderful it is to be a mother and share daily with my little ones discovering the wonders of life. I love you guys. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sorry this was so
long but it is very therapeutic to relive your birth experience. I wish I could have done the natural thing but maybe next time….