Parents: Dorothy and Hal
Baby: Landon Alexander
Born: April 9, 1998
Time: 2:01 pm
Weight: 8 lbs. 2 oz.
Length: 20 1/2 inches
Birth: 12 hour labor, the baby popped out.
Those who were at chat Wed. afternoon (4/8) know that at 38.5 wk I was dialated 3cm, I lost my mucus plug Tues evening (4/7) and started having "bloody show" Wed. at noon. Wed. pm I went to church, climbed the stairs as much as possible, then walked a lap around the local mall after that. Back at home, nothing. Got to sleep about 11:30. I woke at 1:37am with strong contrax 3-5 min apart. I decided I should go be checked, so we headed for the hospital.
DH & I arrived at 2:45am & was at 4cm. Since I was having good cx I got to stay. At 7:30 I was still at 4cm, at 11:30 I was at 5cm (slow progress?) By 1:30pm the cx were getting more than I thought I could handle, so DH called the nurse and I asked for an epidural. Of course I had to be checked first. You should have seen the nurses face when she discovered I was at 9cm. She called the Dr and the drug guy. While she was gone my water broke. Drug guy was too busy to come, and my Dr. had just begun an operation he couldn't leave. So I got the Dr on call.
Dr. came running in, in his good clothes. He put on a gown & gloves then ask me to push so he could feel where the baby was. He promptly told me to stop because another couple of pushes & baby would be out, & they weren't ready yet. When they took the bottom of the birthing bed off stuff just gushed out everywhere ( I ruined the doctors shoes and maybe his pants). Three agonizing pushes later & an episiotomy we had a boy.
Landon Alexander arrived at 2:01pm, April 9. 8lb 2oz, 20 1/2 in long, 14 1/2in head. I think he's an angel, but I might be biased.
Congratulations to all the new moms & their families. I'll be eagerly waiting to hear the birth stories of all the moms-to-be. May God Bless you richly.